How do guys view girls who have less experience, let’s say never made out with anyone?

  1. before or worse still virgins There’s no one answer to this question, as guys can have different opinions on the matter. Some guys might view girls with less experience as being more innocent or pure, while others might see them as being less experienced and therefore less desirable. Ultimately, it depends on the guy’s individual preferences and opinions.

  2. Not quite to that degree but when I met my girlfriend she had only had sex once before and that was her only sexual experience. We were both late 20s at the time so it was pretty shocking to me as she’s very attractive.

    It didn’t matter at all to me that she was inexperienced

  3. It’s not the lack of experience I don’t like, these gals typically don’t have experience for a reason. For some reason, some women think that they don’t need to work on themselves like guys in the same situation.

  4. Honestly don’t care unless there is some bizarre reason for it like they think all men are evil and just want to abuse them or something like that.

  5. It’s a red flag that grows larger with age, but it’s not a dealbreaker. I think the main worry is that you’re not experienced enough to know what you want in sex and romance. There’s also whatever reason you haven’t kissed any one and your lack of experience in building a romantic relationship.

  6. Depends on the reason why. If it’s just because they haven’t had any luck, it doesn’t bother me. In fact, it would be more desirable, since I’m 20 and my only relationship life has revolved around kissing 2 girls. If someone has less than that, it makes me feel more confident about myself.

  7. I’ll go against the grain and say it does bother me. But I’m 33. If I dated a woman of similar age who’s never made out with someone let alone have experience in the bedroom it isn’t really piquing my interest.

    I’ve tried it before, she was a 30 year old virgin, it was just awkward, I don’t really want to have to teach you, but I tend to be attracted more to the sassy/bad girls for whatever reason, so each his own. Sounds a bit harsh but just giving you an honest answer.

  8. It is what it is.

    Most guys don’t really care if they think that they’ll be getting some action.

  9. The more concerning question is how girls view guys who have never made out with anyone…😬😥

  10. In my limited experience it is Nice 👍! And by nice I mean awesome !

    They tend to be her wilder and wetter and more once they overcome their anxiety !

    You just need to be more patient but boy it is worth it !

  11. Be gentle and take the time to make her feel at ease and never take advantage of the situation. Don’t leave a bad impression on her that will alter her future relationships. By sacrificing your desire and happiness for her, chances are she will never forget you.

  12. If she was my age I’d be a little curious the reason she went 30 years of her life without sex. I’d be a little suspicious that she’s lying too for some odd reason like if she thinks I would only date a virgin.

  13. As long as you’re enthusiastic it doesn’t matter. Being inexperienced has its own set of positives that are different to those of experienced women. I first and foremost appreciate the upfrontness of seeing out a partner to gain experience with, and im thankful that person appears to be me.

    Pro’s of inexperience means she has no or minimal bad habits i need to be wary of. She’d be more receptive to experimentation to “see what works” and is more willing to default to my lead, and the nerves induced excitability that comes with trying something new is really endearing and attractive.

    Negatives of inexperience is being less able to articulate what she likes and dislikes in advance, and a prone to flakiness and losing nerve because the thought of actually *going through* with it might get overwhelming and scary.

    A girl being upfront about this shows that she trusts me with such an aspect of herself. Since im not a massive a-hole; I want someones first/inital experiences with intimacy to be fulfilling positive.

    The worst people will see it as something to take advantage of, but i see it as an opportunity to teach proper boundaries and good habits.

  14. I wouldn’t care but don’t expect them to be good at it somehow. They’re going to be awkward and possibly self-conscious.

  15. I prefer that actually.

    I don’t look for hookups….. I want a serious relationship or nothing.

    It matters a lot to me to know that my girl was also saving herself for a serious partner like me, instead of hooking-up around.

  16. Men prefer this.

    The way women and men are judged are inverse for biological/psychological reasons.

    Women have fertility and have to carry children, and men through most of human history never knew if the child was actually his. This meant women had to be choosey because if you get impregnated by someone who can’t provide/at the bottom of the social totem pool, it potentially meant death. This wired Men to like women who are not “experienced”

    Men don’t carry children and it was sexually adventurous to impregnate as many women as possible. Since women had to be choosey due to the reasons listed above, a man with “a lot of experience” directly meant he had something women want (provision, status, ect.). This wired women to ignore “experience” because it didn’t really matter in terms of biology because there was no repercussion for a man to be “experienced”.

    Things like DNA tests, (effective) Birth control, and so on have been around less than 100 years and doesn’t just change our psychology to “get over it”.

    This is why you constantly see men on here “I know i shouldn’t care, but her body count bothers me”, because this is ingrained in men through psychological evolution.

  17. Jailbait? Just because she’s at “some place” doesn’t magically prove she’s over the age of consent, etc. She probably aint the first 12 year old at a frat party. I’m not saying its right, but I am saying it is, it clearly happens.

    There would be immediate trust issues. Look lady I know, that you know, that you saying your body count is over 500 is not appealing IRL only appealing on social media, but outright lying to me that your body count is zero is somehow even worse. Or to summarize she thinks her body count is so embarrassing that its better to lie to me. Either way an entire forest of red flags.

    There are probably individual extenuating circumstances like she was planning on becoming a nun and then gave up last week, or if both of you are in High School together, but if you ask the internet a general question you’ll get a general answer.

  18. It’s not a bad thing at all, just from personal experience I’ve dated 2 women like that. First was in law school and she was suupper demanding and controlling. Second was just a casual friend who asked me out, she had so many expectations and got super mad at me for not meeting them.. i didn’t even know I was going to get graded on it lol.

    Basically just go into it with an open mind and communicate if you want anything. You’ll be nervous however it goes, enjoy what you can.

  19. Depends on how old. If youre 13 than thats normal. If you 30 then… something could be wrong.

    Ive fucked over 30 girls and the best ones/ relationships ive had were with girls with not much experience and are eagar to please. Those are the best

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