About to moving West Midlands for work from outside of UK. I think I can rent shared room in short term to see neighbourhoods and decide where I will live then I may rent 1 bedroom or studio flat. Net income will be around £3,5k. I have not been before in UK and I do not have any friends or relative there. I am 30/M. As I see I need to adapt weights and measures at least. 🙂 I am super excited about this adventure. Waiting your suggestions to adapt myself quickly to there.

  1. I would advise sorting out accomodation before you arrive. Unless you’re thinking of staying in a hotel until you find something (which may take a while), you’ll need a place to live.

  2. there’s loads of tiktok channels by people who moved into the UK and the things they discovered 😄

  3. When someone asks “Alright?” the only acceptable response back is “Alright?”. Took me a while to learn…!

  4. Where are you coming from? What sort of age? I don’t know the UK weight system and neither do the people I interact with (30s) so if you’re not dealing with old people you’ll be fine.

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