How would you feel if your partner bought you something you really wanted but also got it for their sibling?

  1. So what? Maybe their sibling wanted one too. Unless it was a butt plug or something. That would be weird.

  2. Depends on the context, to be honest, but most likely I wouldn’t care at all. Assuming it isn’t something really personalized and specific to me, I wouldn’t find it weird or anything. If it was something that fits my interests but not their sibling’s interests, that’d be really weird.

  3. I would feel fine. I got what I really wanted. Why would I care if someone else gets what they want?

  4. This happened to me.

    My ex bf bought both me and his mom the same pair of gloves.
    It was obvious it was a low effort gift and it really bugged me.

  5. I would just assume they had wanted one too. I still got what I specifically asked for, so it wouldn’t bother me.

  6. I’d feel like I gave them a great idea to get something for multiple people they care about and feel good- better about that thing I wanted because they thought it was cool enough to get it for multiple people. Unless it’s something weird to get your sibling. Then I’d just question my partners choices in life.

  7. I’d be surprised cause we’re not at all similar but also glad that we have something in common. It’s hard to bond with her due to language and cultural differences. So anything that helps…

  8. If it was a bday gift I’d definitely feel some type of unspecial but any other gift, it really doesn’t matter. I’d recognize it but after realise that there’s nothing really to be pressed about.

  9. “Hell yeah, cool new thing! Oh, his sister got it too? I am 0% surprised because we’re into a lot of the same stuff.”

    Edit: and if it’s a video game, I can probably play with his sister. Nice!

  10. Assume it was something their sibling also really wanted. Shrug. Why would that make any difference?

  11. Is it something their sibling would like? Is it not something that would break the bank to buy two of? I don’t see why I’d care.

  12. Most likely I would not be bothered. If someone is generous to give me something that I appreciate and they can save themselves time to get the same thoughtful gift for someone else… why not!

    Someone else’s happiness doesn’t steal from my happiness.

  13. I guess it depends on how personal the gift is. My sister and I both knit, it’d be normal for one of our hubbys to buy a knitting doodad. Lingerie, perfume, jewelry, that may be different…

  14. Why would it matter? There’s only a few scenarios that come to mind where this would be really fucked. Like a ring. Or a sexy nightdress.

  15. Depends on the gifts value and individual-ness. If it felt generic I would probably be hurt.

  16. I’d love that sooooo much….but my current bf’s siso is younger to me….so that’s not happening anytime soon…for now we both (me & bf) love planning surprises for her

  17. Similar situation, but my husband bought his sister a luxury designer bag that I’d really liked. I’ll be honest, I was upset at first because we were newlywed with little savings. But he talked me into it being her birthday/Christmas/graduation gift and the fight wasn’t worth it.

  18. The thing was in a 2×1 sale and it made sense to give the second item to sister. (I have been the sister in this situation)

  19. “Hey I got you these mugs and the same for my sister too” – great.

    ”Hey I got you this matching bra and panties set and the same for my sister too” 😬 🤮

    Context is everything.

  20. Happy my partner got me something I wanted and happy his sibling and I have a shared interest.

  21. Depends. Is it a gift giving holiday for everyone? Then I would not be bothered that the item was a good gift for both of us. Is it my birthday or our anniversary? Then I would feel like receiving mine was not an expression of appreciation/celebration that one would expect, given that the same effort was given to someone not included in the occasion.

  22. I guess it would depend on a few things really. Like for example, if it was something super expensive and we couldn’t afford the first one I don’t really think it would be good to be spending that much money to buy a second one. I’d be upset.

    If it was something that wasn’t expensive at all, like maybe $5-$20 then I wouldn’t care at all. haha.

    Edit : Also, did the sibling show interest in wanting one also? Then I wouldn’t fault him for buying us the same thing.

  23. As long as it was something their sibling would also really enjoy, it sounds like their sibling and I can nerd out and bond over it.

  24. This happened to me and I felt kinda shitty because it was a birthday present for me but a “just because” gift for them.

  25. Thankful. Anything other than thankful is toxic. Why should it matter who else they bought it for?

  26. it’s literally their sibling, i mean i don’t understand why that would be an issue it’s not like they bought it for “another woman” it’s literally a family member. and if it’s something that could be purchased for both a SO and a family manner, then i can tell obviously it’s not something very personal or unique to the two of you, it’s just an item that literally anyone could have, and he bought it for the people he cares about that he knew would like to have it. seriously there are so many worse things you could be upset about, do you really want to make such a trivial matter an issue ? have a fight about it ? really i think this would come off as incredibly selfish.

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