Would you be uncomfortable if a friend were to hit on you/show romantic interest?

  1. Married, my wife is a constant part of our friend group. It would be very uncomfortable, probably friendship-ending.

  2. If I did not feel the same…yes! I have had it happen a few times and it makes things weird and eventually ends the friendship! I know social media is always ” Just tell them and if they don’t feel the same, nothing changes”….. That has not been the case IRL.

  3. If I knew it was only a casual thing, no. If I thought she wanted something romantic, yes.

  4. No. I’m all about absolute transparency and openness. If a guy friend shows interest it must mean that he feels strongly about me, otherwise why jeopardize our friendship? And if I give it a try who knows, we might end up having the best of both worlds; being in love with my best friend/a person who knows me and whom I know well because of our history together.

  5. If it’s a woman and one I can see myself with, no. That would be fairly nice.

    If not – yeah, this is not a nice situation to be in.

  6. Depends on the friend and whether or not I’m dating anyone. Some I wouldn’t have any issue with and we’d probably have fun, others I don’t see myself being able to live with or are men so the answer is a hard no.

  7. Not in principle, but I can’t really think of any friends I’m interested in like that. Wouldn’t make me uncomfortable either way unless they were really weird about it

  8. Not at all. Confessing an attraction is not the same as constantly trying to get with you. You have to respect somebody’s personal situation. That’s where many people fail.

  9. Yes, very. All of my friends know I’m married for one thing. Most of them are men and know I’m straight for another. And my female friend just got out of a decade plus relationship last week so that one would be *super* uncomfortable.

  10. Extremely uncomfortable. I can’t understand the appeal behind romance. It’s just weird. So if that were to happen then it’d be awkward to the point where I wouldn’t know how to continue the friendship.

  11. Depends on the friend and the way that they did it.

    My established circle of male friends all know that I’m straight, so one of them deciding to hit on me anyway would be disrespectful in addition to being jarring.

    Most of me female friends who were in established relationships have moved on with their lives or gradually fallen out of touch as family life and having children has taken hold. So that mostly just leaves single women and women who aren’t interested in either sex or romance or both. It would be a bit weird for an asexual woman to suddenly be gagging for my dick, I must admit.

  12. No. Actually happened to me this year if I’m being honest. My best friend straight up admitted to having feelings for me in May and not only did it not make our friendship awkward, it brought us closer together. Nothing happened for awhile though as I was with my ex but I broke up with her in September. My best friend’s feelings just kept getting stronger and stronger and eventually, she admitted to being in love with me. She was on dating apps and was scheduling dates with other guys but she was cancelling them most of the time as she had her heart set on me. There’s actually one weekend a few weeks ago that she was supposed to go down to a city an hour away from where we live to go spend the weekend with a guy and I can’t remember if she canceled or that guy got called into work but she didn’t end up going. We both got the surprise of our lives that weekend as we started dating that weekend. She is now my girlfriend and December 5th will be a month that we’ve been together. She is absolutely gorgeous and I love her to pieces. Friends admitting feelings for me isn’t awkward for me nor will it ruin the friendship but if I’m with someone, there’s no chance of anything happening unless my partner and I break up and if I’m interested in them as well. I’m loyal to my partners.

  13. nope, even if i werent intrested id be pretty flattered.

    as long as we can be adults about the situation i dont really care

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