I didn’t make anywhere near as many friends as i hoped during my first term at university. I think i did not make enough of an effort to spend time with people early on, so now everybody has fully formed friendship groups / ciricles, and i don’t. i know university is a very important time for making lifelong firends, especially as it becomes harder to make friends during adulthood. if i can’t manage to make friends now i don’t think i ever will be.

how do i find a circle of friends now that they are already formed, they won’t want some rando trying to intrude, i go to a few socieites, but haven’t made freidns with anyone who would spend time with me outside of the society event, everyone else has flats organised, and friendship groups, some are going on holiday together, now i just spend most of my time in my room if im not at a society event or in class. have i missed the boat?

any help would be really appreciate, nothing predicts hapiness long term mental health like the number of long lasting friendships you make, if fucking up the first term of uni has ruined this for me, i genuinely give up on trying to be happy.

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