I got a blast from the past today when Mr Barkley appeared in the U.K. news due to his assertion that USA is GUARANTEED to defeat The Netherlands at the World Cup. Personally I’d say it’s 40:60 in favour of our Dutch friends. But does Charles know something I don’t?

Edit: decided to remove the link

  1. It’s self-deprecating humor on his part, since last NBA season he became a meme for guaranteeing a lot of NBA predictions that were somewhat crazy. Even had his own “guarantee” button made that he could press.


    Also, who wouldn’t have positive things to say about your own team regardless of the odds?

  2. Chuck is the Puxautawney Phil of sports, nay, *life*, and I will entertain no dissenting opinions.

  3. He’s just making content.

    Realistically though, the US certainly does have a chance but I’m not gonna hold my breath

  4. I’m jealous of how seriously you guys take football. Like, Chuck was just joking about something as an aside on a basketball analysis show, in a skit where he normally guarantees all sorts of funny things, and it’s picked up in the British presses. That’s dope 🙂

  5. I’m curious if the UK news article used *Sir* Charles Barkley’s title when they quoted him.

    Although, I’m not sure what order he’s knighted to.

  6. No one I’ve talked to really thinks the US will beat Netherlands-I mean, they’re the Netherlands. As a country we barely know the world cup is happening. I’m really excited to watch but I am absolutely not expecting the US to win. I don’t think anyone actually takes what Charles is saying as a true prediction.

  7. Literally any time he says “Guaraaaaaaaanteeeeeeeeee!!!” You know who to bet on. Also literally no one takes him seriously, including himself. Just look up inside the nba on tnt

  8. > But does Charles know something I don’t?

    Undoubtedly but probably not about soccer.

    Chuck is a national treasure, IMO. I loved him as a player and he’s been even better as an analyst but he’s a basketball analyst. He might watch enough football to give an informed opinion but I think it’s highly unlikely he could name a single player on either US or Netherlands team without a teleprompter.

    This is more of a meme though. Or maybe a bit of an inside joke. He likes to guarantee outcomes.

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