Men of Reddit what is something you like a woman to do (no nsfw) that you would actually appreciate?

  1. Surprise me sometimes. I always surprise her but she never surprises me. I’d like that once. And maybe join me in a hobby I like to do even if it’s not
    ur cup of tea, That makes me so incredibly happy.

  2. The last time I felt loved I was helping my ex do something and I started getting frustrated and she just stopped me sat me down on her bed and hugged me and I immediately started crying. I wish everyone knew a simple hug could fix so many things instantly. I slept like a baby that night.

  3. Take initiative and plan an evening that we would both enjoy…… not just plan stuff she likes!

  4. Just sit there, allow me to lay my head on her lap and let me talk about my problems while scratching my head. Sometimes guys just need to release all the stress that’s been pent up for a few weeks and a safe place to talk about it.

  5. Going out of their way to do something i enjoy just to see me happy. It’s awkward a fun time

  6. Just to take the initiative now and then . I don’t mean sexually, I mean in conversation, planning things together etc

  7. Give me a big hug and tell me they love me.
    I had this from an old gf, it was my favourite time ever.

  8. Just tell me I’m doing a good job as a partner. That all my sacrifices and pitfalls have been noted and appreciated.

  9. My love language is physical touch and quality time. Whilst I have understood previous love language of gifts. Being expressed love through my own language is something I really appreciate.

  10. – Say thank you
    – A hug
    – Communicate that you see and appreciate the little things I do
    – Listen without trying to compare a struggle I am facing to one they face. It’s not a contest
    – Hold a secret. If I tell you something in confidence, you shouldn’t have to tell your mom, your sister, and your three closest friends. We can generally tell something is up the next time we see them because they treat us differently. It’s pretty disheartening
    – Apologize, take accountability, and/or admit you were at fault or wrong when you are at fault or wrong
    – Pick a little act of service that you know means something to them, and do it as often as you can. Little notes, a packed lunch, iron a shirt, a drawing, a food item you know he likes, a book you think he would like to read, a game he might like to play, or a home-cooked meal. Simple, not super time-consuming, but something that shows you care.
    – Say it. “I love you and I appreciate everything you do”

    It’s not hard nor is it complicated

    Edit: Ladies, you should look for the same in a guy.

  11. Schedule a day/night/weekend for you to do something you want to do.

    With life getting crazy, my wife makes sure to schedule time for me to take off and do whatever I want. Call it a Guys Night, Mental Health Weekend, or whatever, but it’s awesome having someone that looks out for you when you forget to do it for yourself.

  12. Just looking into my eyes with genuine care and desire. Kind of a hard one to explain but just when you see it you know. That makes my heart warm.

  13. I’m usually the one who takes our 2 dogs out for their last pee/poop of the evening as we turn off to sleep. So, I love it when I’m already in bed reading and she tells me to keep enjoying my book and she gets up to take them. Its only a 5 minute process, but I love her for it. Even more so now that it’s gotten cold and dark.

  14. Not hit me because they feel like it

    Not see me as a sex toy that they can use whenever

    Not see me as a walking wallet

    Care about my emotional well-being, even though it’s practically non existent

    Express thinking about me when I’m not around

    Allow me to be sad

    Help me find happiness.

  15. I recently picked up golf and have been pretty excited about it. My girlfriend isn’t really into sports at all, but she always finds interest in things I’m really into. So she offered to come watch me at the range, which ended up with her trying it out and really liking it. We ended up finding a shared hobby because she likes seeing me be passionate about something and supports it.

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