I’ve went to 3 dates with a girl, we only kissed but not more. And with this other girl that I still haven’t dated, she told me when she’s free.

I’ve invited the first girl I’ve already seen 3 times to a 4th date, but she told me she is quite busy and probably won’t make it the days I proposed.

While this other girl told me she’s free those days.

Should I wait for the first girl to see if she wants to meet, or go out with the other girl ?

I would personally prefer to go out to the 4th date but if she can’t, I’d rather go out to this first date than do nothing.

  1. Well, consider what might happen in various scenarios, of who likes whom, and so on.

    What if they both like you, and want to date you? Are you ready to dump one of them?

    Not being able to answer “yes” to that question is what stops many people from even looking at going down this road.

  2. I waited around for 3 years for a guy that was like girl #1. That got me nowhere but in a repetitive cycle of being used only when HE wanted to, be with someone who wants to spend time with you and doesn’t make it seem like a chore.

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