What little miracle have you experienced recently?

  1. Had four miscarriages, lost a fallopian tube and landed up pregnant with twins.. who’ll be here five days.

  2. I actually got the apartment I thought I had no chance in hell at getting.

    I move in this weekend!

  3. I recently experienced the little miracle of a rainbow appearing in the sky after a storm.

  4. I tried a new Starbucks drink (I have ocd and am obsessed with routine) and I LOVED it! It felt good to leave my routine and try something new for a change. It’s the little things.

  5. My preteen daughter came out of a mental health challenge that scared me and made me feel like a helpless and uncertain mom. No real intervention, the episode just passed. It really had me questioning my parenting. Such a relief.

  6. After two years of IVF, two losses, four egg retrievals, and four embryo transfers, I’m now five weeks.

  7. I just realized how much my life has changed for the better over the past few years. I had to work my ass off to get to where I am, and it’s finally paying off. I’m so happy and grateful. I’m getting over Covid, and my work has been phenomenal – paid time off, no pressure to rush back until I’m well. It feels amazing!

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