Asking for a friend

  1. Been cheated on..

    It does not work out.

    Relationships are built on trust and committment to one an other, when one party breaks that trust, its hard to repair it. There is always that thought, that niggling doubt in the back of your mind.

    If you’re ‘friend’ is asking this question, they already have doubts the relationship and is likely looking for hope.

    Once a cheater, always a cheater.

  2. Cheaters are liars and a users in every sense of the word. They will destroy their partner and will be unable to have any other true friends outside of a relationship. Liars like this even have a hard time in professional relationships.

  3. Been cheated on. Had no desire to work anything out. He put his dick in another woman then came home to me? Why would I put up with that? I have respect for myself.

  4. Most probably will cheat again. If you excuse a cheater you also haven’t moral character fiber. If people haven’t self-respect and allow that, cheaters will grow in numbers.

  5. My ex cheated on me three years in. We had moved from one province to another and he was very unhappy and went back didn’t want to break up so we tried long distance and he cheated about a month in. He told me the next morning and I dumped him.

    He dated her for a while, found I was dating other people and moved back because “while he didn’t love me anymore, he wanted to.” Eventually got back together and were together for six years. I forgave him and never brought It up again or used it against him.

    The only reason it worked was because I stopped caring. Didn’t care if he stayed or left, didn’t care if he cheated again, because if he did I was out and there wasn’t gonna be a third chance. He was free to do what he wanted and I did my own thing. I loved him, but I didn’t care.

    After six years I developed a crush on someone. he just treated me so much better and I didn’t realize how unhappy I was until he sat me down and laid it out for me. “Flakeydetective, do you have any idea about how unhappy you are?” Followed by about fifteen examples. I left two weeks later. Never told my friend I had a crush on him, no idea if it was reciprocated and moved to different province across the country six months later, eventually losing touch with the friend. I’m extremely grateful to him though.

    For the record, we were living with my exe’s best friend before we split up and even he came to me and said I should leave because the way my ex treated me was terrible. I had just grown numb to it and stopped noticing how selfish he was. Even though I did my own thing I still treated treated him extremely well, made sure he knew I loved him, looked after him, was affectionate and we had (mediocre) sex at least three or four times a week. I have an extremely high sex drive and initiated at least 85% of the time and never turned him down.

    So successful? Maybe… cheaters no longer get a second chance with me, I won’t do it a second time.

  6. She cheated on me, i caught her, she said she was sorry, 2 weeks after i found out pictures that she was still sending, so it was still going. Forgave her again.

    After 6 months of trying i just didnt trust her anymore. 1 month after breakup she fucked a guy she met on tinder, 1 week later she met a guy on work and shes seeing him. Not even 1 month fully on her own.

    Dont forgive cheaters, they wont change, just stop doing it for a while

  7. Kobe Bryant cheated on his wife and they worked it out. Do you have $2 million dollars available to purchase your jilted partner some jewelry to show her you still care?

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