I have been single for two years.. my last relationship was abusive and we were planning to get married but one night he went to stay with his uncle and I decided to visit my granny and spend some time with her since I’m alone and bored, he got home before and he called me I had to rushed back cause I know he is angry, when I got he started beating saying why couldn’t I ask for his permission before visiting her. I love him so much that I didn’t want to do anything legally.. But I felt for my safety and happiness I have to get out of that.. since then I haven’t been able to get in any relationship since then, I guess it’s the trauma or I’m just Afraid to give another man a chance.. what do you think I should do??

1 comment
  1. Therapy. You have LOTS of trauma to unpack. Professional help is needed.

    And, FWIW, fuck that dude! No one deserves to be treated like that. There are decent guys out there, but you’ll need lots of healing before you can open yourself up to one. Sending healing thoughts your way.

    Advice from a guy.

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