what advice do you give to women in a relationship?

  1. Ask yourself: how does this relationship benefit your partner? Does the good outweigh the bad?

  2. If someone in a relationship came to me – as single man – for relationship advice, Id have to question their sanity.

  3. You don’t have to agree on everything, and it’s okay to have different stances. That being said make sure to address the most difficult choices that will affect you both early on, and realize those decisions may change for one of you as time passes.

  4. Respect his life, you don’t need to micromanage every aspect, don’t crush his dreams for yours to get a toe hold. Be supportive, he’ll never say it but a supportive woman is worth everything while a contentious/overbearing/busy body is hell on earth.

  5. Learn to “read” him the same way you’d like to be “read”.

    Every guy has times where he desperately wants to lay his head down, vent his frustrations & for the lack of better terms “be babied for a moment.”

    He’s not going to just blert out how he is actually feeling. He needs to be reassured the he can safely “lower his guard” before he will be truely open & forthcoming.

  6. You don’t have to baby him but make him feel loved, listen and pay attention to his needs. A good man will reciprocate that energy so it’s a win win for both parties.

  7. clear communication is always appreciated and preferred, even if it hurts, there are few things more aggravating than trying to figure out what someone’s thinking and starting an unnecessary fight when the whole thing could be solved in a single conversation if they just told you outright rather than sending hints that we won’t get anyways

  8. Remember that the relationship isn’t all about you, but don’t be a doormat(and know what that actually looks like). Understand that certain things you might not understand are going to be important to him, don’t trivialize them. Make sure you’re on the same page when it comes to principles or any long term relationship is not going to go the distance; you can have political disagreements as long as you both understand that those differences aren’t based in malice but if you’re significantly separate in your principles, it’s DOA.

    Understand that people display affection and love in different ways and receive it in different ways. Example: I interpret my wife’s willingness to provide services(cooking, writing me supportive notes, etc.) as love and am therefore willing to work harder to provide a better living space for her. She interprets physical contact and spoken words as love, even if I don’t feel like saying those kinds of things based solely on my personality, if I withhold them, then I am withholding a showing of love.

    Finally, one word: Respect. A man needs to be respected in his relationship. If you don’t show him respect then the relationship has a limited shelf-life. If you deeply love him and want the relationship to continue(in an odd case) but don’t respect him, better fake it till you make it. Otherwise, end it sooner rather than later. Not all men deserve respect and sometimes they fail to maintain themselves in a way that makes respecting them easy, but a man needs to have the respect of his woman.

  9. Treat him how you would like to be treated. Remember that relationship is about equal partnership. Care for his feelings. Dont cheat, flirt with other guys and so on.

  10. If he’s insecure, he trusts you enough to be vulnerable, something that not even our own mother’s get all the time.

    Be aware of your emotions and take them into account before saying something reactive. Throwing something in his face that he trusted you in confidence with is a quick way for him not to trust you ever again

    And last, be OPEN, let him know what he can do to keep the relationship going , both sexually (if you do that) and romantically.

    Oh and we can’t read your minds. Most of the time, unless obvious, we’ll think nothing is wrong as we plan for our next day

  11. Honest ones. If I think he will be the best dude she will ever be able to be with from now on, I tell her that and that she would be well advised to make efforts to keep him. And if I think she can do better and deserves better – I tell her that.

    And I always add that in the end my “advice” is merely one opinion of one guy with no skin in the game. It can be useful to get different perspectives and one can definitely profit from the advice of more experienced people but in the end you have to still be able to make decisions yourself and accept the consequences which may arrive from those decisions.

  12. If he asks for space, give him space, don’t follow around, and god forbid don’t follow him around and yell at him.

    Give him, and yourself both times to evaluate your emotions.

  13. Listen and his communication are both as essential as yours.
    For a relationship to work, you need to have difficult conversation sometimes and that’s okay. It makes you stronger.

    Love and be loved. A good relationship is the single greatest thing on the planet.

  14. Take the time to understand men. Read up on the topic. We are not the same as you. We communicate, form friendships, experience sexuality differently and have different preferences than you do. These differences are not defects. We are not defective women, we are just fundamentally different in some key ways.

    I see a lot of failures in cross sex mind reading out there and they cause a lot of unnecessary conflict and heart ache. For example, a whole generation of women have worked hard to achieve success to become more attractive a man only to discover that men don’t care about a woman’s money or status. Those are things women find attractive, not men. Those simply aren’t factors for men.

  15. At the cost of sounding shallow (because being generally a good person first and foremost is a given):


  16. I would advise women who are in a relationship to treat their partner in a way that communicates respect.

  17. Don’t ask him a bunch of loaded questions, like you think I’ve gain weight or do you think she looks pretty or do you think her meatloaf is better than mine?

    Trust us, we REALLY don’t care if you gained 10 pounds and if we eat what you cook, it doesn’t matter if someone is a better cook, just as long as what you make doesn’t gag us!

  18. Just bc your man has an orgasam DOES NOT automatically mean you are good at sex

    Getting Lingerie is not ” keeping sex interesting”

    If you want your relationship to last longer keep your weight under control.

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