I see many people breaking up after the first huge fight and other staying after all the red flags trying to work things out and ending up miserable.
I myself am in a situation where i don’t know if i should work things out and if i do so will i get more attached and more hurt. Or should i leave, but what if i regret it.

What is the fine line between the 2 things?when do you know what is the best option of the 2?

  1. This is super complicated and subjective. You have to choose what’s right for you. Just as an example, some people should not leave right away even if their partner is violent and abusive. Because leaving can actually get them killed. So these people need to gradually and carefully plan their way out. It can’t be a rushed decision. So you see, there’s wayyyyy too many variables at play and you need to evaluate ALL thousands of them and make the decision for yourself. That’s how it is. Sorry that there’s no easy checklist for you to follow

  2. I guess one way to look at it is this:

    Abuse related – You should find a safe way out.
    Difference of opinion – talk it out.

    part of being in a relationship is learning how to cohabitate with another person with a completely different view on the world. Different tastes, hobbies, friend groups, etc.

    If you give us more context into your situation, we could better advise.

  3. In your situation, I would say that it’s time to break up. Especially since you’ve already tried to work things out and talk them out reasonably. Your gf is just insecure and jealous of your dog and is accusing you of cheating on her with the dog and not caring about you despite you moving her in with you and your family to help her situation. And it’s not changing no matter how much you try to re-assure her or talk her into having self-confidence or self-esteem. That has to come from her, hence the “self” part.

    That’s the case in most situations too. Most people aren’t immediately breaking up at the first sign of something wrong. They like the person too much to walk away when they really should. The people with healthy self-esteem and backbones who are willing to make the tough decisions and be alone will. But most are hanging on far too long despite major red flags and dealbreakers like abuse and cheating and constant fighting.

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