I’m not competitive irl, but I am a sore loser whenever there’s an argument/debate/ match in a game.

I’ve tried to focus at the topic at hand, but once name calling gets into it, I get mad & do the same. It’s not a healthy trait.

Edit: typo. I also tried tl;dr-ing it to make it short & simple.

  1. With debates are arguesments you need to change your mind set. Alot of people who feel that need to win have a mind set of I am right because you’re wrong. Not I’m right because these are the facts abd you’re facts are wrong. So you need to start allowing yourself to be wrong. Being wrong doesn’t mean you’re dumb stupid or incompetent. It just means you weren’t right. And the longer you defend on a hill that’s wrong and the madder you get when they aren’t right the worse you look.

    So it all goes into changing the way you think. Probably I’m not a Dr

    Edit: I have another point to make. Even if you are right and the other person won’t accept it. It goes back to all that other stuff I said. And let them think that. If they are getting to the point they are upset because they can’t get you to think what they think or vice versa. Just drop it. You’re not gonna change there mind. There is no point getting worked up about something that you can’t change.

  2. Sometimes I will not be moved. Sometimes I can be reasonable. Depends on how much bullshit there is.

  3. Honestly my biggest issue is cheating.

    Like a loss? Sure ya that’s a learning opportunity. I learned early on that I could kill almost everyone I met. May sound psychotic but it’s true. So why should I care if they win a game or an argument when they’re little more than a bunny before me? Take the L, learn, come back stronger, and never forget that in the ways that matter I still win.

    But cheating….well I am an R word. Autistic. So I have this strict moral code. I play by the rules if you do. So when I play by the rules and find out you didn’t….that’s infuriating. I could’ve cheated and won too but I didn’t because I thought we were playing fair. It’s why I fuckin hate cops.

  4. It takes two people to have an argument. If you stop arguing, it’s over.

    If it goes from a debate to name calling and finger pointing, walk away. Nothing is going to be resolved at that point anyway, you poopyhead.

  5. I curse !

    I drink !

    I fuck !

    I suck it up the next day try figure out why I lost and try harder !

  6. Argument and debate: Often just matters of opinion for me, and if I find myself in the situation of mutual disagreement, I’ll tell them I value their input, kindly disagree and state it’s alright with me if they don’t agree with me.

    I tend to not have emotional arguments, but take a step back, assess my feelings and try a rational approach. If that’s impossible, then I don’t argue.

    If it’s an argument based on facts and I’m wrong, then I admit it.

    Games: Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Of course I love winning, but if I can’t, I still know it’s just a game, I’m just trying to have fun and losing is alright. Seems like my opponent was better or simply more lucky. If I notice myself getting frustrated, I take a break.

  7. When I lose, it means that I didn’t prepare well enough. So I train/study harder and try again. If you keep that mind set you will never lose.

  8. In a debate if someone starts name calling I will typically bow out or ignore the insult. At that point, more than likely, they’re too upset to think about things rationally.

    If it’s a game or sport, I take the activity seriously but not winning or losing.

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