Sometimes ill see people talk to each other and they are able to just go on and on but how? What do you talk about where you can just go on and on? I know it’s not a single subject that’s talked about and people branch out to different topics but I just can’t understand how it works. How do they keep it interesting?

Since I was a kid, I never understood conversations. How do they work? What do you talk about? How can I conversate naturally without being robotic? Eye-contact? So many questions that I still don’t know. I feel like I have a little bit less anxiety with talking now (I’m able to order things on my own, ask employees at a store for help, etc.) but i still don’t know how conversations work.

The reason I ask is to be able to talk better but also I want to talk to this person I like and I have a feeling they might say something first so I want to be somewhat prepared and not be an awkward wreck

  1. Conversations about your life. The human life is very complex yet simple at the same time. There are plenty of things to talk about like anecdotes or stories. Anything going on in your life or on your mind

  2. The obvious starting points have to do with the setting and circumstances. Ex: you’re at a housewarming party, so naturally you could ask where the host moved from, how long they’ve been in the area, comment on their home, pick out things they have that hint towards their interests

  3. I still struggle with this as well, but below video has helped me a little bit with this. The main takeaway from it is that you should not try to be interesting, but that you should be genuinely interested in the people you are talking to.


    Additionally it does not really matter what you tell to others about what happened in your life in the last week. The most important thing is that you tell it in a enthusiastic way and with a smile on your face. This already makes it very different from telling the same story with a straight face and with a monotonous voice.

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