I’ve been having a hard time dating in college and it’s been 2 and half years. While I don’t join a lot of clubs and only have a handful of friends. I do ask girls that I talk to in class to Hang out or I try to get their snap. I pretty sure during the entire time I was at college I asked 5 girls outs and none said yes. The only thing really happened was that I kiss a girl from work who I met during the summer. However she just wants to be friends. Everyone told me dating was so easy during college. Even for super introverts. I feel like it’s sorta of the odd one out for being the only guy that’s tried dating and still no success.

  1. The key is finding someone who’s interested in u then dating can be easy as hell u might only be asking out the girls who your interested not those who are interested in u

  2. Dating is a bit easier for men in college vs after college. BUT that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Whatever women ur trying to date, what kind of guy are they looking for? Do you meet those requirements?

  3. I barely dated in college because nobody I was interested in ever liked me and vice versa. Always seemed like I was one of the few to not date

  4. Socialising is the easiest and so you’re exposed to meeting many new ppl, dating not necessarily cause this depends on your looks and willingness

  5. Attend social events your school hosts and meet people. No dating, just go have fun and just talk to people. Some people might be interested in you and they’ll talk about you amongst their group of friends and some will not. It’s all about putting yourself out there and enjoying yourself.

  6. Im in the same boat, im about half way done with my fourth year in college and i have nothing to show for it, i have 0 friends and have gone out on 1 date which only ended up getting ghosted

    Id say keep trying but i get that its hard and discouraging

  7. Also looked young, was on the shorter side (5’6) and wasn’t too successful from making the transition from acquaintance / fried to romantic interest. I had an easier time after college and peaked in my early 30s (when I met my wife) thanks to online dating. Over time, I gained more confidence and learned what worked for me.

  8. I think there are challenges at every stage of life. I definitely had more friends and went out more during post-secondary but I didn’t date. Maybe it was statistically more likely then though. Now I feel kind of fucked because most of my current circle is from work.

  9. I didn’t date in college because I was way too busy as a working commuter student who lived an hour away from campus. But college has been the only time in my life I was ever around any sort of decent mix of women to date. I was usually the only non religious one where I went to high school and I moved to a similar town in the same region after college. If you’re not able to date in college try to move to a decent city afterwards and don’t do what I did and get sucked into the aerospace and defense industry which is mostly in smaller outlying areas where everyone is already married by a young age.

    I figured there would be plenty of time to date as a debt free engineer in my 20s but with the location I ended up in there have been so few options I think I’d still struggle significantly even if I was the most attractive and charming man on earth.

  10. In college you will not reach your peak smv as a man. Meanwhile females are living their peak. Most men in early twenties are invisible to females their age. But it is a very good opportunity to meet girls but you should do a lot of effort and go to parties.

  11. probably for women because a lot of people argue and say that women tend to on average, enjoy their dating peak earlier than men do

  12. > Everyone told me dating was so easy during college. Even for super introverts.

    i would use the word “easier” rather than easy. the relative comparison here is really just due to numbers.

    having a bunch of people your age constantly around you naturally means there are more opportunities, but it doesnt inherently more the individual opportunity easy per se.

    the comparison here is that after college, youll join a workforce that will have a much greater age spread + likely a smaller amount of people, and therefore there will have less interactions in general with people in your range.

  13. How to make dating in college easier;
    1. Join clubs
    2. Go to the gym
    3. Join a frat
    4. Go to parties
    5. Join a club sport
    6. Volunteering
    7. Orientation Leaders
    8. Part time job on-campus

    The students who are in these areas typically get the most daring prospects haha

  14. I would shift your focus into your career and studies. I would say it can be equally difficult in college as it is when you get out. Some of us have a hard time fitting in with people, could be looks, social skills, or the fact that some people you ask are too choosy, but the one thing you must do is make the most of your education right now and go to social events with the goal of putting in your back pocket your experience in talking to people. I decided that route was best for me and I’m glad I did because while I am still single and looking around now in my 30s, I’m in a good job and I live independently so no matter what happens to me success or fail in getting a relationship I know for sure I will always be proud I made it into a great career. One thing I will tell you after dating both people who are fit/skinny versus overweight. Fit people are very selective these days, I would say the word entitled to a degree. You will unfortunately be competing with a lot of fantastic looking guys trying to date these women because these women will inevitably have far more options and it will be more difficult to keep them interested even on your best game. You have to remember one thing is that a relationship is a person. People who are overweight can often make more faithful partners because they don’t feel the need to be superficial. They do what they want and aren’t ashamed of some shallow standard to fit into certain clothes or be popular because of their overall appearance. They are more likely to judge you based on how you are rather than how you look. I know how it is because I’ve been there myself. My bottom line in this journey is just try not to limit your options too much or you could be killing many opportunities of having a wonderful and loving relationship with someone. I would like to add that things have changed greatly in the past 20 years going back when I first started dating. People are a lot more biased, quick to come to conclusions, and easily distracted because there is just so much happening at once. This further adds to the challenge you have if keeping attention. For us a lot of patience and self care is required to keep our best attitude up. A negative attitude kills chances so never let your mind go there. You need to be super confident and push doubts aside. One thing psychologists push is something called cognitive behavioral therapy. And what it is is knowing when you are about to have a really negative thoughts and suppressing that thought with an alternative, more positive thought. For example, instead of saying “nobody likes me” you correct yourself and say “These people don’t like me and I honestly don’t care.”. One thought is harmful the other thought is strong willed, grounded (these people, not all people) and not willing to cave your self worth.

  15. Yes. Easiest in college. Unless you have to grow into your body. Some people are late bloomers.

  16. Kind of but not really.

    Most college age people have no direction in their life and are still growing as people. I got no dates in college, and there were no connections that I can recall being important either. A lot of people I was friends with dropped out /transferred elsewhere and went to a community college and finished there in cnc maching or something.

    I never graduated but I’ve been past the college phase for 7+ years now and I know way more about myself and what direction I want to go in..I knew nothing back then. I’m way better suited for a relationship now.

  17. It’s easier in college than after college, but it’s still difficult. I wish I knew this and that my GPA didn’t really matter in the long run then I could have pursued relationships outside of OLD.

  18. Another thing that makes college easier is everyone is around your age group. After college you have Meetup groups, but most people in the Meetup groups are around my parents’ age and even more flake out of events.

  19. Hear me out. You probably should focus on joining a club you’re passionate about, your career, and your hobbies. This is going to help you build your social skills and social cues, which will help you to expand your social circle and meet girls. Don’t just focus on “try to get girls”. because let’s say after weeks and months of going out with a girl, and it didn’t work out, you just wasted months of your time.

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