What made you laugh today?

  1. A rabbi goes into a Catholic church. He enters the confessional, and tells the priest on the other side of the wall… Father I have sinned.

    The rabbi goes on to tell the priest, I met this young girl, so young and so beautiful. I am married but my wife is a way visiting her sister. I had sex with this beautiful young woman so many times yesterday and a bunch more times this morning.

    The priest says, Hey you’re a Rabbi aren’t you Jewish? What are you doing telling me this?

    Then the Rabbi says, WHY am I telling you??!! Father I’m telling EVERYBODY!!!!

  2. A hilarious video of three guys trying to steal a TV and they couldn’t get it off the wall. They were there for a good minute trying to get it down before they broke it and left empty handed.

  3. I’ve got a female colleague who has basically become my *de facto* partner (in a work sense) as we enjoy the same elements of the job so we try to work together as often as possible and have become very good friends. This appears to have been noticed.

    We were having a private (but work-related) conversation in the stationery cupboard, just to get some peace (and nice pens) but a colleague saw us coming out the cupboard and completely failed to control her facial expression, which made us both giggle, which just made it worse.

    Just wait until we start carpooling next week.

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