just curious really, i’m going to start earning more soon as i will be fully qualified so would be interesting to know honestly how much impact this had

  1. It gave me a wider range of options for date ideas, but I wouldn’t say my dating life was more successful. It was just less restraining in where to go. Rude and annoying people were still rude and annoying for me, and my geeky side was still a turn off for girls that weren’t into that.

  2. Personally yes, but I think it had more to do with career status than the actual money. Women can be very interested in certain careers

  3. Status perception matters way more. Having a good job that pays well allows me to put more time and efforts in dating but I’ll be honest with you it depends on the type of people you want to attract and your intentions. It’s really about perceived status, especially if you do online dating.

  4. Money makes things easier, but probably not in the way you’d expect. You shouldn’t expect women to be more attracted to you just because you receive a raise, but it does help to be able to afford nicer and more frequent dates. The best way to turn increased salary into dating success is to spend money improving yourself. Here are some ideas:

    * Hire a housecleaner. When you do have a date over, a clean house makes a difference. Consider upgrading your furniture too (not to show off, but just to have a more comfortable, more mature vibe)
    * Join a gym or hire a personal trainer
    * Buy new clothes that are trendy and well fitted. You don’t need flashy brands.

    Basically, make yourself more marketable.

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