Not looking for advice or anything, just sharing my thoughts.

My wife and I have oral sex regularly but she hasn’t been a fan of letting me climax during because the last time was terrible for her. We were teens at the time and she’s never allowed it since.

Yesterday though, I could tell from the moment she started that something different was about to take place.

Honestly, the BJ itself was amazing but finishing during it wasn’t as fun as I remembered it from when we were teens and I actually feel kinda bad about it; like I’ve disrespected her or something.
She doesn’t feel that way but I still do.

And before you ask: swallow

  1. Yep, years of being trained to having a negative association with an act can do that to you. Congratulations and my condolences.

  2. So, you feel “bad” about doing exactly what your partner wanted? Ok, then. That’s on you, man.

    She obviously got over it, so you should too.

  3. Now grab a drink and savor the moment!!

    Good to know it’s a common situation, it’s been 6 years for me, back when we were dating. Hadn’t considered that it might not feel the same since we’re married now!

  4. LOL don’t waste a great thing by being negative in any way.

    Just be astounded and thankful.

  5. I hear you. I tend to feel the same way the few times my SO has had me finish in her mouth. It makes no sense as I only do it when she wants to — but that’s just how my brain is wired… i have a moment of thinking how awesome/hot it is and then quiciky feel bad.

  6. As a woman who does this for her husband often compared to most women (2-3 times a month), kudos to her and kudos to you for showing appreciation.

    Don’t be weird about it. Accept it and appreciate it.

    I always like my husband to show appreciation by keeping me in mind the next time we get down or by doing something special like flowers, etc.

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