Me and my BF (both 22) had anal sex and I didn’t use any clitoral stimulation. We took a while since we didn’t expect it to be amazing at first like magic. Here’s what it was like:

1. At first it felt like I was pooping

2. After a while it started to feel like a massage inside my bum

3. It then felt kinda like how an itch feels after you scratch it.

4. Then it started to tickle a bit

5. Then I felt a sensation that felt super good and warm that I’ve never felt before in there. I can’t explain it.

6. Then I felt another sensation that was way way different from clitoral stimulation that felt amazing but I can describe it even less.

Was anyone else’s anal like this? We’re gonna keep doing it but it’s nothing like how I imagined vaginal feeling like. But I like it!

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