How often do you incorporate mayonnaise in the food you eat everyday?

  1. Mostly just as a spread or mixed into something like Tina salad, but it’s the base for a lot of sauces

    Edit: tuna salad lol

  2. Hmmm fairly frequently, probably 4x a week if I had to randomly guess. Mostly because I make sandwiches pretty often for lunch and I usually put mayo in my sandwiches. I will sometimes use mayo to make other sauces that I use for things like fries, fried chicken, etc. Other than that I hardly use it, except for the occasional thing like deviled eggs, tuna salad, etc.

    For dinner type meals, I usually use crema, heavy cream for creamy food.

  3. I prefer Miracle Whip to mayo in most things. Miracle Whip looks like mayo and has a similar consistency. It has about half the fat and calories of mayo and has a little bit more of a zesty flavor to it. A lot of Americans use Miracle Whip interchangeably with mayo. A lot of other Americans think Miracle Whip is an abomination and a blight upon humanity.

    The only time I’ll use actual mayo is when I am making something like a grilled cheese sandwich. I put it on the outside of the sandwich before grilling, I find it gets better results than using butter. That’s probably once or maybe twice a week.

    I use Miracle Whip almost every time I make a meat and cheese sandwich. That’s probably 5-10 times a week. I also use it in tuna salad and potato salad, so that’s probably a couple more times a month.

  4. a few times a month maybe? I love mayo but really I only have it on sandwiches so it just depends on how often I’m making a sandwich (and if I feel like mayo or mustard).

  5. I eat it on every sandwich I make, so 5 times a week?

    I made dips with mayo during every holiday or gathering, so monthly.

  6. I *sometimes* use it in place of butter when making a grilled cheese sandwich. I don’t mind it on a BLT, but that’s nearly the only time I use it. The rest of the household is not fond of the stuff so we rarely have any around in the first place.

  7. I slather that shit on EVERYTHING … not.

    Seriously though … almost never. Maybe once a month (or less) I might put a light smear on a sandwich and that’s it. We’re not a bunch of heathens dipping our freedom fries in it or something.

    Watch me start a fight here though: Mayonnaise is OK, but Miracle Whip? That shit’s not fit for human consumption.

  8. On sandwiches/ burgers and my fry/burger sauce.

    So like once or twice a week. Had some today on a sandwich.

    Although I prefer miracle whip not mayo.

  9. On sandwiches, maybe once every other month. I don’t eat many sandwiches. I also like it with french fries so that’s maybe once every six months.

  10. We make our own ranch dressing, about a pint at a time. That usually lasts us about 3 weeks. So, 1-2 times a month.

  11. Not a lot honestly. Sometimes on a turkey club sandwich or something, for but for the most part I don’t really use it that much.

  12. Only use it when I wanna make tuna fish sandwiches. Otherwise, the tiny jar goes bad in my fridge.

  13. Never.

    I hate mayo.

    You’d have to offer me millions in cash for me to even consider having a small spoonful.

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