If your woman is very wet during sex does it feel less good because there is less friction? Does she feel too loose? I’m always SUPER wet with my husband thanks to the dirty 30s.

  1. I have never in my life had this issue. I’ve been with squirters and girls that are just generally very wet but have never felt worse because someone was extra wet

  2. Wetter the better for me. I like the ease of sliding and lighter friction personally. Just enough to keep me hard and rigid and a slow pace to the finish.

  3. Somewhat but not enough to bother me. If it gets like absolutely soaked then it looses a bit of sensation but that’s usually the least of my focus in that situation.

  4. As a woman who gets extremely wet I will say too much of a good thing can be an issue. If not for my partners than for me – when I’m “too wet” penetration doesn’t feel as good as when I’m “just right.”

    But it’s a good problem to have (saves money on lube) and it’s easily fixed with a swipe of a tissue/toilet paper or a towel. And even though it’s got nothing to do with who I’m with – partners seem to love it and are flattered by it so whatever good feeling they’re missing on their dick they’re getting on their ego (and I allow it).

  5. Exactly which is what I prefer. Ill take lasting longer and more play time over cumming any day.

  6. It still feels amazing. It does change the feeling as it gets slippery, so the physical sensation is not quiet as good as normal wetness maybe by a factor or 10%. But from a brain perspective its so hot that shes so excited and when i focus on that it starts to really get my engine running and its hotter by a factor of 30%. So its a net win when shes super wet.

  7. It can make it last longer and it might be a issue with smaller guys. I have never seen it as an issue though personally. For some guys it can be a huge turn on and flattering. So I would say mostly a good thing with maybe a few minor exceptions depending on your partner.

    You could just ask your husband what he thinks. I know some questions we can be afraid of the answers but communication is also important.

  8. Literally had a guy tell me I was too wet… he even said “I can’t believe I’m saying this

    Did wonders for my self esteem lol

  9. The wetter the better! Seriously, I’m not trying to compliment you, but my girth is very problematic with new partners and a copious amount of bottled lube is the best solution

  10. No, I love it. When my wife, 30, is so wet that I feel it dripping on my balls, it is a massive turn on and I end up 5 pump chumping lol

  11. Happens a lot and I heard it can take away from friction. Our solution is simple. When I am too wet, he pulls out and lays his soaking wet penis up my stomach. I reach down and stroke him for a few seconds to basically dry him off. This will make it a lot “less” wet and give you back that tight feeling temporarily. I then take my now wet hands and rub my pussy all over his chest and stomach while he fucks me. Sometimes I will lick my palms first to turn him on. We do this a lot.

  12. I love it when my wife starts creaming all over me. I will say, even though it’s not the case, it feels as though her tightness has decreased by just a bit. It’s really just her being extra slippery. To continue to stimulate me, my wife straddles me missionary and fucks me deep. Each time she sits all the way down to the base of my shaft, she would contract herself to tighten her grip and slide back up. Shed repeat this at a steady pace and its one of the hottest ways she rides me. Try it!

  13. Summarizing the comments from 90% (and rephrasing because no one want to just say it)



  14. By the comments, you can see that more often than not, it is not only NOT a problem but also often a bigger turn on. If it is something that is an issue for either of you, engage your pelvic floor for some extra grippiness

  15. I’ve never had any complaints. In fact, if I’m NOT that wet, it’s a sign I’m not into it 🤷‍♀️

  16. At some point, I wipe it off-which is pretty hot imo bc I wipe off his fire truck :1 and we back at it

  17. I sometimes get way too wet and it’s annoying for me because it reduces the sensation I get from PIV. Usually I just wipe off excess and it’s fine again

  18. My ex with a micropenis preferred me dry, everyone else had preferred wet. For marathon sessions especially, he can get abrasions on the skin of his penis if I’m dry

  19. My partner regularly tells me how much he loves how wet I get….and also takes it as a compliment. I’m glad as I don’t remember getting so wet with anyone else….maybe it’s also his amazing tongue too!

  20. Maybe? No idea.

    But you know what I like more than the pleasure from sex?

    WETNESS. Holy fuck. Thats a great problem too have.

    Also. Imo. looser > tighter.

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