Context: 19(M) met 19(F) at uni club just under 2 weeks ago. Kissed, danced etc and got on unusually well so went on a date a few days later; date went really well and we both got on really well. I was seeing someone the month before and have been in a long term relationship but hadn’t experienced this level of chemistry with anyone before. The date was approaching its end but we were having so much fun we decided to walk around the city at like 1-2am to stay with each other and try get into venues that were still open. Eventually ended buying some rather pricy tickets to a club we both hated just so we could be together aha but we drunkedly bought the wrong ones.

Anyway, she confirmed she wanted to see me again a few times on the date and then on text after the date; we’d text maybe once a day or so over a period of like 3-4 days and she referenced her very slow reply time once but I just joked it off. After she replied to a conversation we had about setting up another date, I asked her when she’s free the next week and got no response. I assumed I was being ghosted after 2 days of no contact, I was definitely confused given how well the date went but I understand people can change their minds, I went to the club again the following week, she knew I would be there and I saw her there speaking to a girl I know. I went to dance on the main floor and was really surprised to find her and her friend end up dancing \*right\* next to, and behind, me and my friends for like an hour straight.

I eventually switched spaces with my friend so I was back to back with her and her friend but so I could no longer see them – my friend then mentioned that she’s looking over and he thinks she wants me to interact with her. I wasn’t sure though and ended up kissing another girl for a little while. The girl I went on a date with and her friend left shortly after. I basically made no attempt to engage with her because I didn’t want her to feel awkward speaking to someone that she has ghosted.

I eventually bumped into the girl I know who spoke to her before she came onto the dance floor a few days ago; apparently they spoke for a while despite not knowing each other and the topic of boys came up. She mentioned she was really hung up over her male flatmate that she hooked up with who hasn’t spoken to her in weeks but went on a date with someone (me) and really enjoyed it – she showed her my socials and mentioned I’m funny and good looking which her friend echoed; apparently her friend really wanted her to pursue things with me but she was unsure because she didn’t know if it would go anywhere and doesn’t want to lead me on.

She then showed the girl I know the last text I sent asking when she’s free and then sorta bent down and held her head in her hands claiming she doesn’t know what to do. She didn’t say a bad word about me – nothing like I was too “nice” or that she was uninterested either just that she doesn’t know what to do. Seems like she got hurt a few weeks ago and is now unsure but given she then spent a good amount of time next to me right after I feel she was hoping something would happen between us organically like when we first met since it would be pretty awkward for her to initiate things given she’s ghosted me.

I liked her, I can overlook the ghosting and would like to get to know her a bit better but I feel I may have given off a vibe of being uninterested/annoyed at being ghosted since I didn’t interact with her at the club and kissed someone else. Wasn’t my intention. Wondering if I should do anything and if so, what should I do? Just texting her after being ghosted seems like a non-starter…

N.B: the flatemate thing is probably a red flag, but i’d deal with that if it ever got to the stage of serious dating, just wondering if there’s anything I could even do to continue getting to know her.

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