Men of Reddit, when was a time you realised you felt vulnerable?

  1. When i stood infront of a judge as he took everything I ever owned away from me and threw me out on the streets. For the ‘greater good’.

  2. When my ex and I broke up, I was dealing with sharing custody of my son with someone I hated at the time, trying to be motivated to work at a business I was helping run, and living with my parents because I had nowhere else to go. I was an emotional wreck and I had no idea where my life was going.

    Thankfully a woman who I first fell in love with in high school and had maintained a friendship with came back into my life. We spent time together, fell for each other all over again, and I found the stability and confidence I needed to get my life back on track.

  3. When we realise that any girl at any time could ruin our lives, just by making allegations even if they’re not true, just because everybody sides with the ‘vulnerable’ girl

  4. Just when I was knocked down badly by an organism (virus/bacteria) that I’m/we’re not even able to see ☠️

  5. When i first opened up to my best friend since childhood days at 16 years old about my abusive alcoholic dad. He knew my dad since he was 3 and had no idea

  6. When my partner tried to punch me in the balls whilst driving a car with our two kids in the back. We were coming up to a tunnel and she ever so slightly swerved as she went to punch me, it was at that moment that I reached for my seat belt to prepare myself to jump in the back of the car to shield my kids, fortunately she very easily regained control of the car. That was 2 years ago and it took her 2 months to apologise. Don’t get with mentally compromised people…it’ll fuck you up

  7. Growing up all the time, went through a lot of scary shit and squeaked by with my life more times then I can count. But the most vulnerable I felt was when my sister called me to say my little brother died. We were best friends and always had each other’s back. Fighting together, selling things we shouldn’t, lots a lot of good friends but we were always together. Everyone always thought it would be me first since I tend to be more violent and a short fuse, swing first don’t bother asking questions. Now it’s just me and I don’t think I’ll ever really get used to it.

  8. With a woman actually with all the war stuff going on it’s uncertain if her country would get hit. And for the first time i felt something like vulnerability.

  9. At church youth events or at church in general. I was raised in the previously named, Mormon church. I’m gay and was closeted. I always felt scared and uncomfortable there. At youth dances the adults would creepily force some of us to slow dance together. Even if I wasn’t a homosexual it would still feel weird. Everything I was taught was to get a wife and have biological children. If they knew, I’d be judged heavily and sent to do conversion therapy. If you look on the church’s website still, their views acknowledge that same sex attraction is natural but it is forbidden and “A challenge to overcome” They just want you to ignore your feelings and just suck it up and marry a woman. So I hid, but my parents snooped through my stuff and I was forced to come out. I had never seen such a look disappointment from my mom and dad like that before.

    The church’s message was that they were the most loving place you could be in. But for me, it held nothing but fear and bad memories.

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