in my class, we had to sign up for time slots for appointments with the teacher. we did signups on a google doc. one of the days was rly coveted. anyways, everyone rushed to sign up but me and this other girl have both our names in the same slot. i could’ve sworn i put my name down first and neither one of us want to remove our names.

the edit history also shows that i put my name down first and 2 people in the class said they saw me type my name first. i showed the edit history to the girl and she got a little annoyed and said “yeah whatever its just a name”.

i texted her later on saying that if she rly wants the slot she can take it. she hasn’t responded. i get the feeling shes mad at me. i know it isn’t my fault but i still cant stand the thought of someone being mad at me. what do i do to get her to stop being mad?

1 comment
  1. By looking at the historic version of the doc, you were able to prove the time slot was yours. This may have prompted embarrassment for her, especially since two classmates also got involved.

    If this should happen again, it may help to type a quick note or say, “Hey, it looks like we’re both signed up in the same time slot, and the history says I signed up first. If you really need the spot, let me know by x o’clock and it’s yours. Otherwise, I’m showing up because I don’t want this great time slot to go to waste!”

    More concerning than this mix-up is your fear of people being mad at you. Feelings are neither right nor wrong; they are only emotions. Knowing someone is mad at you seldom feels good, but it should not control your actions or desire to stand up for yourself.

    If you continue to walk on eggshells when someone gets angry, you may attract people who will be mad at you just to watch you squirm or try to please them. Maybe she needs to be mad in order to process this. She more than likely will not sign up in the same time slot as someone else in the near future.

    My guess is she will get over it! ❤️

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