I’m a junior in college and have never been in a relationship. Because of that, I’m not confident enough to participate in hookup culture but desperately want at least a situationship. However, it seems like people only meet through tinder at my school and I’m afraid that men would expect sex from me right away. Is there any other way? Or do I have to brave tinder?

  1. First, a comment unrelated to the main question in your post. I’m a 44M. When I was in college in the late 1990s, college was THE easiest time of your life to meet people. They were literally all over the place. In your dorm, in your classes, in organizations, even in certain random places like the dining hall and laundry room. In terms of meeting people for friends, relationships, or sex, it was like being a kid in a candy store. It gets much, much harder to meet people after college, which is where dating sites/apps really shine. I find it real sad that people in college (at least your college) today meet only through Tinder.

    I have personally known people to find relationships on Tinder. It is not all about hook ups. Now at your age, Tinder or not, I’m not sure how many guys would want a relationship. But you can certainly specify that you don’t want just a hook up. Make your desires known and you will attract like minded guys. For what it’s worth, even meeting people the old fashioned way, guys expect sex very quickly especially at your age. It’s not just Tinder. That’s the way it was when I was in college.

    If Tinder is the only app anyone at your college uses, give it a try but do not give in to sex when you are not ready for it. If you have to know someone better, make sure you do. Is it possible to meet people organically, just around campus, as I used to do?

  2. Tinder is not the right app if you don’t want to hookup. Try Hinge and Bumble if you’re interested in online dating and read profiles to get a sense of compatibility.

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