This literally just happened this night and I’m so confused/disturbed

This happened 3 min after we had sex.

Do I ask him if he’s already seen episodes of the new show or something??

Edit: right after he said it he muttered “ignore that I’m having a weird dream” and he’s 40!!

  1. I once tried to sell a magazine subscription to a floor lamp in my sleep. It’s random noise.

  2. Don’t really see your problem here. Wednesday Addams is smoking hot!

    You could take advantage of it and start dressing up like her.

    Seriously tho – a couple of rules about intimate co-habitation. Anything said in your sleep was said by someone else and you can’t be blamed for it.

    So just pretend it happened in a dream…

  3. Dress up as Wednesday Addams next time you have sex! LMAO 🤣 🤣 🤣 , My husband says weird crap like that when he’s exhausted.

  4. LMAO. Oh my.

    Op just chalk this up as a funny story you can tell him later. Dude is probably just talking in his sleep and I assure you people say the weirdest things when they are dreaming and won’t even remember it when he wakes up. I do it in my sleep and my BF will report some of the most random statements and declarations to me of things he claims I said the night before.

    Btw, that’s streaming on Netflix and was a great show!

    Don’t be creeped out by it op. Whatever it was is just a dream and everyone has them.

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