I asked this girl out for a date from my gym, she said she’ll let me know in some time as she told me that it was quite unexpected from me. And it’s been a week. Also i haven’t seen her since then in the gym.

  1. In my experience, “I’ll let you know,” is usually code for “no.” I’d just drop it and move on.

  2. Move on. If you have her on IG and she’s not communicating then sounds like she’s not interested

  3. Do not ask girls in the gym… looking for trouble, she could report you to the management.

    As it seems she preferred to leave

  4. Keep lifting and keep moving forward. Don’t sit on your hands. If the call comes in and you’re free, great. If that call never comes, that’s fine too, was already doing you, you shot your shot and no one can fault you for it. Keep lifting and keep moving.

  5. Keep it simple: If it’s not a yes, it’s a no.

    You made your shot. Be proud of yourself for working up the courage to do so, and move onto the next person you end up liking.

  6. Move on and leave her alone. At most apologize for breaking gym etiquette and creeping her out, then leave it at that.

    This is why we tell guys not to approach or ask out women at the gym.

  7. Move onto someone else. Preferably a lot more women. Don’t get focused on one woman, especially when she’s not interested.

  8. Yah it’s probably a no or she is in a complicated relationship. Just be cool and show your not frustrated… maybe later in life fate will change things up. Def dont get pushy

  9. And you didn’t do this in person? You should’ve, it may have been a no but it woulda showed boldness and confidence. But I’m betting she feels awkward and switched gyms. People get awkward about NOTHING nowadays. I’ve done the same but it was because it was a sexual affair and I’m married with kids. You know, actually awkward lol

  10. Do your best to move your thoughts on to new love interests. That way you’re covered either way. She resurfaces and gives you a yes? Great! She never reaches back out? Also great, you’re already dating someone else.

  11. It is likely a no. Don’t make her more uncomfortable. The ball is all the way in her court.

  12. What next move? She said she’d let you know and then didn’t. There’s no move to make. Leave it.

  13. She said she will let you know. Keep to her word. Don’t reach out. She will either get back to you or won’t. Whatever you do – don’t reach out to her. Balls in her court.

  14. Realistically, there is no practical reason for a woman to say “I’ll let you know” when being asked on a date. That’s just a kinda rude way of saying no. All she is agreeing to when you ask her out is that she wants or is willing to get to know you better. It’s perfectly reasonable if you say “how about Friday?” for her to say “oh let me check my schedule and I’ll let you know”. You can always work out the fact details after the fact. But to be so vague simply when being asked out? No, this sadly was a rather indirect rejection. I’m sorry that happened to you man. That doesn’t feel good at all. It’s just bad dating etiquette. Just gotta move on to the next one

  15. Drop it and move on… if she gave you her number I would maybe even text to say no hard feelings and you don’t want her to feel uncomfortable in the space. Play it as cool as possible.

    (Source: I’ve been asked out by both patrons and trainers at my gym, and when things either end or fail to start, it can be very uncomfortable for the person on the receiving end of the advances.)

  16. Assuming this was the first and only interaction you had with this crush of yours

    I’d say next time just make yourself be known.
    Introduce yourself and ask for her name and how long she been working out
    And finish off with “wish you best of luck in your journey, enjoy your workout” (bcz she at the gym she there to work out not necessarily have guys hit on her throughout her whole sessions

    Oh and move on, practice makes perfect

  17. “Ill let you know” sometimes means no. But sometimes theyre busy too. If they followed up and resched, good. Proceed. If not, move on to the next one.

  18. Guys please never ask anyone out specially from Gym. Coz it would really be so awkward if she says NO.

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