Boyfriend (M32) is out of town. We live together and have been together for 4 years. We were s*xting and it was getting steamy. Went to bed. Next morning I(F29) get up early and do a little work before leaving for the office. I use his computer because mine is currently broken. I closed out of a tab I didn’t mean to so I went to “recently closed”. To my surprise, you can see all devices that use that Google account. I noticed that he had closed out of a girl’s insta feed. My curiosity got the better of me and I looked at his history. He was looking at that girl’s feed during our texting the other night… I feel confident that he’s not cheating or has any desire to cheat and loves me fully, but I thought this was a bit odd… is this odd?? Should I be worried? This is just a normal girl who I would say is less attractive than me…

TL;DR boyfriend was looking at a girl’s feed while we were s*xting.

  1. Does she have any connection to his life or is she like a random model?

    If it’s the latter, I would not worry about it probably, he just wanted to add a bit of visual stimulation.

    If he has conversations with her or comments on her pics, then you need to have a serious talk about it right away.

  2. >My curiosity got the better of me and I looked at his history

    People will never stop snooping lol

    >I noticed that he had closed out of a girl’s insta feed.

    So….? He took a look at an IG account. People do this a million times a day. Why is this shady? Because you think he was looking at her while sexting you? Seems like quite the reach.

    I bet guys are going to stop connecting their google accounts to their computer, because people are going to snoop and come to every negative conclusion they can come to.

  3. I wouldn’t be worried. I mean, I would be annoyed and feel gross but I don’t think this is something you can bring up to him without sounding very jealous and controlling. I will randomly look at attractive men’s socials and realize after a few minutes that my boyfriend would probably not be thrilled if he saw my feed. He is always going to look at women’s socials who catch his eye, and I’m sure it happens for you too. He is always going to look at porn/other women for pleasure. Every guy does it. I know I have occasionally had fun imagining another man when my boyfriend and I have sex, and we have great sex and I love him very much and don’t want to be with anyone else. If he could see into my brain like we can see search histories in this century, we would all break up immediately!

  4. If you enjoy the disrespect, then let it go. If not, you know what to do. Actions speak louder than words. His actions are disgusting a far as I’m concerned.

  5. Maybe by looking at that STRANGER GIRL(TO YOU ANYWAYS)while sexting the other Night——That is how he got off on you. No reason for a partner to do that unless he is up to something. I do not trust him now. Neither should you. Who else is he looking at and maybe talking to?

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