My (22f) boyfriend (22M) has such a low sex drive. He does work early and always says he’s tired or not in the mood. He does kiss, cuddle, and is a great boyfriend overall. He spends all his time with me and we have a great relationship. He doesn’t even masturbate which I try to encourage bc maybe it can spark some sexual emotions in him since I masturbate more frequently but he’s just not into it. He doesn’t follow girls, snap them, follow on insta, etc. so i know he’s not cheating. What’s something he can do or I can help with to get his sex drive up? We’re young so the lack of sex is not great especially since the relationship is amazing. Last time we had sex was a month ago and we have sex maybe once every 2 weeks and it feels like it’s usually towards night time when he’s had some wine. Please help!

  1. I have this problem too and I don’t really know why lol. I’m just not interested. It takes me a really long time to build up that horny feeling for me to want to do it again. I’m just noting it down to being related to my autism perhaps but who knows.

    Sometimes sex drive issues can also come from past traumas I think. Sometimes its lack of interest in their partner. Sometimes you just have people like me who look at sex like a tiring act we can’t be bothered with lol. To me sex is great , maybe the first few times but it becomes such a familiar feeling that’s too fresh. Its like watching the same movie over and over, there’s no point because you already know what’s coming.

    I guess why don’t you just ask your bf to explain?

    PS: Porn addiction can also affect sex drive.

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