
I (48 M) feel so done with my marriage of 24 years. I haven’t had sex or any sort of intimacy in so many years, I can’t count how many years it’s been. I’m quite certain any sort of love I had is long gone now. It’s just pay the bills and save for retirement.

We have a teenage daughter together and that’s the only thing keeping me in the relationship. That, and an economy going down the shitter, and the fact that I have a chronic health condition that’s gradually getting worse. Plus, divorce will be hard on everyone.

I don’t want another relationship at this point. I just want to be alone to focus on myself. I feel so trapped. She seems to think everything is great, and councilingl is out of the question. I should be happy. We have no debt, no mortgage payments and healthy savings through frugal living.

I feel suffocated being with someone I have nothing in common with. I don’t even feel like I’m a person anymore, just a robot.

Anyway, I just need to rant.

  1. May I ask why counseling is out of the question? It seems it could help in at least getting the problem across.

  2. Why is counseling out of the question? I would say commitment is not just not cheating it’s taking actions that make your relationship stronger rather than a weaker and if one partner is asking for a counseling or to improve things And the other ones blowing that off that’s their failure of commiment

    I’m glad your daughter has you staying strong for her.

  3. Keep going.

    The no sex thing is sort problematic. Obviously you want sex and if she isn’t trying there is something else going on with her. Could be a thyroid problem or some other health issue. I’m not going to jump to she’s cheating. My wife had been diagnosed with Lupis. Talk to her. I know you have already. Maybe write a letter so you can get everything out and you won’t get emotional and derail the conversation. Plus she’ll have to actually see why your so done. Good luck man.

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