I just randomly wrote him “Hey do you want to go to the Christmas markets tomorrow after class :)” and he wrote me “sorry but I have sth planned afterwards 🤔”
Nothing more and nothing less. No alternative or other suggestions.
I’ve asked him out for coffee a few months ago and he said yes, but life got in the way and I never mentioned it again and he didn’t either.

We see each other frequently in class. We barely write each other. I’m not quite sure if I would like to date him or just be friends. I just wanted to get to know him that’s all.

TL;DR was this a rejection and does this mean he thought it was a date suggestion?

  1. Yoy got rehected. Move in

    If a girl I was interested in wanted to spend any time together I’d make sure it happened

  2. Yeah thought so.
    Well that’s ok, I barely knew him anyways. Still sucks though. Thanks all

  3. I wouldn’t be so quick to write this off; the way you asked him didn’t sound like it had any dating connotation to it.

    He probably didn’t know you meant it as a date and assumed you meant joining you with a few friends?

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