What are the most painful words someone has said to you?

  1. “Kill yourself. You are replaceable anyway”. My sister. Later that night, I almost did it.

  2. “I think it was really cool meeting u in person and I would honestly consider u a really close friend but I don’t really see myself being in a relationship w u😖”

  3. When I was in high school I said something, and one of the guys I was sitting with (a “friend) looked at me annoyingly and said, “You can be such a NERD sometimes.” Incidently, that guy has been in and out of jail ever since school.

  4. Inflation is transitory, They will always choose inflation over deflation because of unfunded obligations and the triffin’s dilemma, plus their is no way to tax deflation when your income has more purchasing power when prices fall. Inflation is painful for hourly workers.

  5. A close friend telling me he’d lost a lot of respect for me because of something I did. That’s one of the biggest reasons we’re still friends 20+ years later: I can count on him to tell me the truth and to hold me accountable.

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