I M(17) met my now long distance gf F(17). We met thru Omegle and we immediately fell in love with each other. We met 2 years ago and we were allways so close. All day we been talking sending texts memes all kinds of stuff but the pass two months shes been so cold. From used to talking all day to literally three weeks to not talking at all. Btw from her side cuz I texted her every day.

After three weeks of no respons i only texted the exaxt words:Are you even alive i dont care if you dont want to talk to me just tell me if your ok?? And she responded with:Im fine.

So its been a while since we talked and two days ago i texted her the break up text and she said she wasnt cold just busy and she loved me and she will never leave my side. So pls someone tell me what to do????

TL;Dr-My online gf ignored me for weeks and now she says she loves me and will never leave me. I need someone to tell me what to do should i stay or leave her?

  1. After three weeks of no contact, i would assume she was done with the relationship.

    You broke up with her. She doesn’t have to like it.

    You should keep your head up and move on. It sounds like the relationship wasn’t working for either of you as it was.

  2. Some people can have three jobs and a family and still make time for others. If she went three weeks without talking to you she’s not interested anymore. Don’t take her excuse that she’s “busy.” No one is ever too busy and they will always make time for what and who they want.

  3. She doesn’t want you, she want’s your attention. Leave her. Get yourself someone close who you can actually interact with.

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