How would you feel if every world leader were a woman?

  1. I don’t care, as long as they do a good job. A person should be on the job based on capabilities, not gender or any other appearance aspect.

  2. Are they good leaders? Are they working well for the good of their people? Good leadership doesn’t require a specific gender.

  3. Are they doing their job and taking care of their people? Then they could be a Martian for all I care.

  4. i wouldnt even be able to say id like it because theres so many women who dont think other women should have full bodily autonomy amongst other things like basic rights

  5. Depends on their competence and how they treat their people and human rights, not their sex or gender.

  6. I could make a pretty long list of female politicians in the US that I would actively oppose. I could also make a decently sized list of ones I’d ardently support.

  7. I would feel strange as half the world consists of men and that would mean they’re being excluded from decision making that concerns their lives & interests.

  8. Honestly, I think it’s important to have both men and women as leaders. Historically, having only one group in power has harmed groups that aren’t in power, and I assume the same would be true if it was women rather than men in power.

  9. If I plane shifted into a universe where every world leader was a woman, I think it would be pretty rad initially. All of the sexist social and material infrastructure that punishes women wouldn’t have arose in that universe. I’d feel relief. No more worrying about bodily autonomy.

    But, because human beings are human beings there would likely be sexist infrastructure that punishes men in that universe the same way women are punished here. For a political system that is actually equitable, you need public servants that accurately represent the diversity of the population. Political parity HAS to be the first step if we ever want to approach the concept of fairness.

  10. I ‘d cautiously eye the men’s liberation movement, defend matriarchy and say men are weak and incapable (no, I’ m not serious.)

  11. I feel there would be more chaos in the world. Because looking up to a female leader vs a male leader, the female leader may come off as weak or more merciful. But men’s leadership will be more strong and respected by the citizen’s.

  12. For about 10 seconds, I might think it was cool, but then I’d remember that simply being a woman is no guarantee of the being a good person, and some of the most misogynistic societies in the world have been led by women in the past.

  13. Don’t care.

    I live in a country where we had two women as prime minister in the space of 4 years and they were abysmal to say the very least.

  14. Indifferent. I don’t care about the gender of my leaders, I care about their values and platforms. There are some pretty shitty women in elected positions in my country so if every world leader was also a woman, I’m sure there would be some shitty ones as well.

  15. No different. I dont think women leaders would have different flaws than current male leaders.

  16. Extremely happy. Imagine how many women and girls will realize for the first time that they could be going into politics and actually lead a country if they wanted to.

  17. horrible. I like men in power positions, I think they’re more level headed. I wouldn’t want a woman to be making important decisions as a world leader on a hormonal day.

    I also prefer my pilots, surgeons, drivers etc. be men. Same argument with hormonal days, periods, etc. I’m judging in this way because I kind of become a different person when my hormones are switching up monthly.

  18. No different to now. If there was conclusive proof that it would make the world a better place then maybe I would have a different answer. There are plenty of awful women in powerful positions now.

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