So. I m20 have done something that isn’t wrong as far as the harm principal, but I think it highly unvirtuous. I met a girl 18 on the bus, we talked and got along. We ran into each other on Bumble, talked, took it to texting, and spoke on the phone for an hour, we’ve been interacting every day for 8 days, admitted our interest in dating each other but both said we wanted to take it slow and had little experience in it, and I have masturbated to her modest photos on bumble.

What am I to do? I haven’t harmed her but if she knew it might well disgust her. It would creep her out so it’s probably wrong, right? The fact it’s something shameful to hide means it’s probably not a benign thing I think. Certainly I have wronged her.

Am I obligated to tell her even though it could ruin my chances? Or even especially BECAUSE it could ruin my chances? Or would this be something I’m only obliged to disclose if sometime later we begin to discuss becoming boyfriend and girlfriend?

  1. This was funny to read. You’re overthinking it dude. If you guys become a couple and intimacy forms between you, then you CAN bring up that you masterbated to her pics eventually. But until then, just keep that to yourself. Good luck, bud

  2. Don’t tell her that. Just. Don’t. We already know that dudes do shit that we don’t want to know about. Lol you don’t have to be that honest. Save that for a time when y’all are like 65 and you want to make her laugh. Not now. Lol

  3. Is this a troll post? No. Do not tell her. It’s not that big a deal. She would probably be more weirded out by the fact you felt the need to say it then that you did it.

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