I’m 24M , so I started talking to this girl 23F through a dating place a few days ago which who surprisingly reached out to me and liked me first only had this experience twice now the first day we talked a lot and felt like really got off on a great start beginning a connection , the next day she mentioned would be going to a friend’s house , to which later she said was a guys place. Initially I brushed it off because we are not dating just talking yet , but after hearing this information I kinda pumped the breaks for myself a bit because I so far really like her but slightly felt like could be maybe wasting my effort if she falls for this guy instead. He would be coming to pick her up the next day after work , to help pay her phone bill and take her to a chiropractor where he lives another town over. And would be staying over at his place until Saturday and wouldn’t be able to talk to me until got service again for awhile. I personally see this has a red flag now I know that some guys can be just friends with a female including myself by not seeing them as a romantic candidate and really just vibing. But I also know how some guys can be, and told her that. Then I asked her if I was wasting my time to which she said doesn’t fuck her guy friends and would be sleeping on his couch not in his bed. I told her I just see it as red flag that would be talking the way she has been talking to me then telling me going to stay at a guys place for several days and then said that I’m not as interested anymore. Just to clarify and I told her as well that I am still interested in her but after getting this information putting her as I put ” on the back burner ” and that I just don’t want to waste my time , after hearing this she said sorry that I feel that way then proceeded to tell me he was almost there to pick her up and has to go. After that I blocked her. Am I in the wrong for feeling this way ? Does this mean I’m badly insecure?

  1. Nah, I personally wouldn’t pursue a woman who’s actively staying the night at another guys place. Trust your gut always.

  2. i mean if were really being fair, we genuinely dont know the relationship between her and that guy

    they could be genuine possible friends

    keep in mind you started talking to her a few DAYS AGO and she reached out to YOU and liked YOU FIRST

    yeah a jealous guy always comes off as insecure and you possibly just ruined something that could have been great

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