How do you determine when your makeup needs to be thrown out? Does cost play a factor in deciding?

  1. I haven’t bought makeup since pre-pandemic, nor have I really worn any since then. But I’m not experienced enough to really notice the difference with expired makeup even when I do wear it, so…

  2. when to throw out makeup There is no set time period for when makeup needs to be thrown out. However, it is generally recommended that makeup be replaced every 6 to 12 months. Cost may play a factor in deciding when to throw out makeup, but it should not be the only factor considered.

  3. For me it’s when the texture and smell are different, then it’s time to go.

    I have a terracota bronzer by guerlain that it’s more then 10yo, and it’s still good so I still use it without issue

  4. Honestly? It either starts to look cruddy, I end up with something better to replace it, or I do the “sniff test”.

    If it smells bad/like gasoline it goes into the trash.

  5. when it starts to smell or change consistency I toss it.

    Getting an infection is way worse than regretting the amount I paid for the product.

  6. Liquid, cream, and oil based items will go fast and I usually hesitate less throwing them out. If I know I won’t be using one of those product soon I would put them in the fridge. It’s especially helpful with oil going rancid. Dry powder will last far longer.

  7. Smell test all the way. Powder eyeshadow is basically indestructible imo, so my collection will be fine for the forseeable future.

  8. Cost is not a factor. Makeup usually has an expiration date. Also just look for signs that it’s not the same texture or consistency that it was when purchased.

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