I’m only coming here because I really truly don’t know where to go.
I(29M) was dating my partner F(26) for about 1.5 years. She moved into my house after only a couple months of dating. The relationship had some major ups and downs but our problems boiled down to me having depression and using alcohol to try an cure it.
She really did try working with me but in the end I told her she had to leave because I obviously couldn’t change and we would never be happy together. She tried very hard to stay but my mind was made up so she moved in with her parents.
We decided to stay friends since we were very close in so many aspects of our lives. So close that I never really got a mental break from our relationship which I’m not claiming as a bad thing. After about a month of being broken up we both decided we wanted the same thing and would start dating again.
Everything seemed really great at first be deep down I knew something and was afraid of the answer. Well just this past Monday I finally broke down and asked her and she told me the truth. The first week she moved back to her parents she hooked up with one of my old friends. Obviously I’m pretty devastated and truly don’t know what to think. I did ask her to leave so this is clearly my fault but we remained so close after she moved I didn’t honestly think she would do that.
The entire situation has me developing major insecurities and has me questioning if I’ll ever be able to get over it. I do love this girl and she has really been through hell to try an help me and be by my side, so it’s hard to think about giving that up.
Has anyone had a similar situation?
Is it possible to move forward and have a happy relationship?
Or am I wasting both of our times by dragging this on when this could potentially eat me alive for the entirety of the relationship?

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