Hi Reddit Women. If a guy, who is not a total stranger to you, offered a sex invitation by saying like “l’d like to have sex with you cuz you’re so beautiful.” or “Would you consider having sex with me cuz I couldn’t stop thinking about that?”, what would be your feelings and responses? Suppose you know the guy is not an asshole and he is asking politely.

  1. The last sentence is kind of at odds with itself. Its not a polite question, demanding an answer like that with no groundwork. It may not be aggressive but its not polite either. I think some folks prefer the honesty of that kind of question being paired with a more candid and aggressive tone, given the aggressive nature of the act itself.

    I think, unless you are ludicrously good looking or well known this isnt gonna end well for you.

  2. I can’t imagine ever saying yes to something like this. It’s too forward and too creepy. Consider doing the leg work and taking them out first and making it happen naturally rather than straight up asking out of the blue. Or if you’re already having a consensual conversation about sex and bringing it up delicately that you’d like to explore this side of them, that’s fine too. But messages like exactly what you’ve typed get sent to my inbox often and it’s gross

  3. I wouldn’t respond tbh.
    It sounds like while they might not be strangers, there’s no established chemistry either. I’d maybe consider feeling it out if there was already a mutual attraction, but out of nowhere would put me off even they were attractive lol.
    I don’t find these to be polite personally, they feel emotionally manipulative and they way they are structured implies that they only care about the yes answer and nothing else.
    He’s not offering sex, he’s asking you to offer sex, and that’s what makes me uncomfortable if that makes sense? (It also makes me feel like if you said yes it would be a waste of time tbh lol)

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