So I’ve been in this relationship with this person off and on. Moved states for this guy. I think he’s cheating. We have fought about it multiple times and he keeps saying these little hints like “ if you cheat I’m gonna leave you “ or he would just yell at me and starting gaslighting me and making me feel like shit. But today I thought I saw him with this blonde chick in his car. I had called him and asked about it and he yelled at me and starting saying really rude stuff to me. What does that mean? Is he cheating? I keep having dreams of him cheating on me. Almost every week now. And he’s threatening to leave me because I think he’s cheating? Is that him being guilty?

  1. Welcome to Reddit 🙂

    Regardless of whether or not he’s cheating or not, you have no trust in this relationship so its almost guaranteed that the next person you meet will be an improvement

  2. It means he figures a good defense is a strong offense, and when you question him he goes into attack mode. Not the greatest way to communicate in a relationship. Do you want to be yelled at for the next 30 years? If so stick with him.

  3. Based on the text of this post, nobody is going to know if he’s cheating or not. You don’t know enough so we don’t know enough.

    What seems to be clear based off of the text of your post though, is that you don’t seem to mesh well. It seems like his behavior isn’t ideal for your needs. Maybe try communicating with him to try to establish a healthier dynamic. If that doesn’t work. Reconsider if this is what you want.

    Cheating is far from the only viable reason for a breakup

  4. Moved states for a guy that you’ve been on and off with? That’s interesting. Maybe before making that kind of decision, make sure you’re in an actual 100% committed relationship. If he’s cheating, leave. If he’s not, then…idk…seek some part of couples therapy/counseling. Those are just my thoughts though. Don’t let complete strangers on the internet influence you, including myself. just do what you feel is best for yourself.

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