What type of humor do you find irresistible in a partner?

  1. Intelligent humor. Jokes that require an understanding of context, nuance, and how language is used.

  2. Dark humour, inappropriate & morally wrong humour. 😂

    Smart humour, where you have to either think about it or it has context to it.

    For example I love the humour of South Park, Family Guy, Leslie Neilson.

  3. offensive humour , the kind that doesnt hold back no matter race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or tragedies like 911 or japan getting nuked

  4. Black and dry…

    Sounds like something very familiar—I’m sure you men know what I’m talking about 😉

    [Yeah, I’m a woman crashing this party. It needed some humour]

  5. Humor that matches my own, and for context I use every type of humor, but especially Gallow, Dry, Dark, Nonsensical, and Politically Incorrect humor.

  6. Bad puns. Baaaad puns. The kind that makes everyone groan and leave the place.

    It takes wit and guts to deploy a bad pun, love both those things in a partner.

  7. Intelligent humor and dark humor. Moreso if they’re mixed together. Or just having a sense of humor that’s similar to mine would be nice.

  8. Always loved it when me and my ex would roll our eyes when the other would say something romantic or mushy, we’d both act like the other one was cheesy as hell but really we loved it.

  9. The closer we get to “I know I’m talking with a gorgeous woman but her lips move and all I hear is ‘ol Billy Baldskull Burr” the better

  10. Based on my last two serious relationships? To my massive surprise it turns out I like silly jokes and being teased.

  11. surrealistic humor, nonsensical humor, thinking up of witty things to say on the fly, etc.

    i.e, the exact same sense of humor as me.

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