I know everyone has their personal inside jokes and stuff that keeps their relationships going and their partners laughing. What are yours?

  1. Watch old episodes of CSI and make fun of all of the pretend science they use on there. And anytime anyone says the word “evidence” we yell and throw stuff at the TV.

  2. I like to practice my animal impressions around my girlfriend, and she absolutely loses it when I do. I’ve been working on goats recently.

  3. I repeat back to her the things she said when she was horny, in a funny voice. Gets a giggle almost always :3

  4. I find my partner in the house by yelling “are you pooping?” And listening for where his response comes from.

    He does the same for me when he comes back from errands.

    Also, we randomly sing “have you checked your butthole?” At eachother really loudly.

  5. We sit on a bench and make fun of all the disabled people that roll past…

    P.s.. that’s a joke. We like dark humour.

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