What are ways that helped you to stop comparing yourself to your peers?

  1. Know YOUR values and realize that you probably are one of very few people with exactly this set of values in that exact order of priority with ultimately different goals this will create. Hence in almost all cases impulsive comparison with others is not going to do you any good.

  2. Advice I was given. “***There are many people out there in this world. But there is only one of you.”*** I have my own goals that I want to achieve, my story is different from my friends, and there is no problem with that at all.

  3. No, it’s okay to compare yourself to others, but you should do it properly.

    You should not compare the image that a person shows with your real self. You know your weaknesses, but you don’t know the weaknesses of those who hide them. So it can be the case that you’re both thinking the other guy is better. Because you both know your own shortcomings, and have a vague pretty picture of the guy.

    Compare objective performance. Scores, etc. And keep in mind that those can be improved.

  4. Normies are effin boring. Who wants to be like them?

    Also, why should I compare when it’s not even a fair fight. People flexing with their daddies money etc. Got none of that so what could I even do?

  5. I focus on myself. If you compare yourself to others you have a void to fill in your life. Something isnt right. Find out what it is and improve it. Then you wont care about others.

  6. Just told myself that A) people generally don’t post the bad parts of life on social media and B) in the case of work, make sure you’re doing the best YOU possibly can, and the results will come.

  7. Get yourself busy with anything you enjoy. Basically stop thinking about what others think. Good luck!

  8. Repeat after me: “I am not them. I will never be them. They will never be me. I am me, and only I can be me. They do not want all the things that I want, and therefore being them will not help me”

    Staying away from people that do nothing but brag on social media also helps.

  9. Remind yourself of where you came from and how far you have come. Don’t compare yourself to someone else today. Compare yourself to you yesterday.

  10. I generally think the “stop comparing yourself to others” trope is a bit dangerous. To some extent you shouldn’t compare yourself, but that isn’t an excuse to be a bum and do nothing with your life.

    I like to think about my own goals and how I allocate my own time and compare that to my outcomes rather than just comparing my outcomes to other people without context. I’ve invested a lot in my career to this point so it makes sense that I’m ahead of my peers, but I haven’t invested as much other things so it makes sense that I’m behind in those areas.

  11. A detached personality. What a gift I was given. Shoutout to my parents that always made breakfast late because my parents were getting it on till 11 A.M. Taught me to depend on myself.

  12. Ya’ll are on different paths. Even if some may seem similar, you’re still on different paths with different goals.

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