I (25) was on a date with a girl (25). We met through OLD and hit it off reeeeaallly well – we have similar values, goals and interests. We text multiple times a day and she seems very affectionate and all things are starting to move towards a relationship.

We will spend the whole upcoming weekend together and the probabaility of having sex seems near 100% – However, I am really anxious about it since I am not very experienced (2 prior sexual partners – also nothing long term). She on the other hand sounds definetely more experienced and also was in a long realationship before – which I wasnt – and had a FWB afterwards. Additionally, when I have a storng emotional connection to someone I usually finish way too fast, which I am also worried about….

Do you think my inexperience could be a dealbreaker for her? And how should I handle the situation? Should I bring it up before or afterwards? Do you have any tips regarding the sex?
Have you been in a similar situation?
Any advice is appreciated!!!

  1. > Do you think my inexperience could be a dealbreaker for her?

    That’s up to her, and if it turns out to be a dealbreaker for her then that’s *her* problem, not yours.

  2. Just remember, sex isn’t entirely about PIV. Enjoy yourself, enjoy her and her body. Foreplay is like 80% of it in my experience. Unless it’s a quick hot and steamy fuck session. Be open and listen/feel what she’s liking. Maybe tell her in advance that you’re a bit less experienced and happy to be guided/shown what she likes

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