I’m in this situation myself. I just explained in a long email when and how she physically attacked me, I explained why I don’t feel safe around her and wrote that I won’t be working with her anymore, simply to protect myself.

HR still hasn’t answered my last email and I have no idea how they are going to react.

If this ever happened to you, what was the outcome?

  1. Oh hey I remember your asking about this situation before. Good to see you took action and reported it to HR. Now I wonder if there will be a 3rd update lol

  2. You need to have a meeting with your direct manager as well. They will likely have the ear of HR as well. This shouldnt be tolerated on any level bc if it was the reverse your ass would be locked up quick. Be safe

  3. I got told it was nothing, then she tried to fire me (unsuccessfully), and eventually I got transferred to another location.

  4. Nothing physical but I did once report an opposite-sex colleague for verbal harassment/inappropriate sexual comments.

    afaik not much came of it and that person still has a job.

  5. Given that HR departments are all women and that women will virtually always take the side of another woman against a man, no matter who is at fault, I’d imagine its unlikely you will be treated fairly.

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