Women with fear of blood, how do you deal with periods?

  1. If the blood came from me, it’s okay. But if it came from other people then I will freak out especially it the wound is severe.

  2. I think a fear of all kinds of blood is less common in women because of the obvious but I do have one friend who has a fear of fresh blood. I’m guessing you are a person who doesn’t menstruate because a normal period is different then blood from like a cut. It doesn’t flow like blood from your head if you hit it. Mostly because there just isn’t enough of it. An abnormal period will do that, but that’s a whole other thing, and if you have those you just get used to them.

  3. Ha! I talked about this recently. I’m SUPER squeamish about blood- even my own. Not at all with periods though, even my girlfriend’s 😂 I guess it’s because my brain knows it’s not from an injury. Just isn’t the same thing.

  4. Just like others have said. I don’t care at all about the menstrual blood. One look at the sample or needle with my blood at the doctors though? I’m probably passing out lol

  5. Menstrual blood doesn’t bother me. Bleeding from a wound, gunshot, deep cut, etc … different story. I have a tendency to imagine the pain someone must be in to experience that type of bleeding, and I’d nearly pass out

  6. It’s not the same and I’m not at all bothered by (my own) menstrual blood. Idk why, I guess the brain is just programmed to know that it’s different from an injury.

  7. I wear pads a few days before it starts and when it’s time to change them I use the wrapper from the new one to roll up the old and and try my best to not look at it lol.

  8. Well.
    P blood is normal, its meant to be there.

    The other day however I witnessed a horrible accident where an elderly lady had cut her forehead, at the time the blood didn’t bother me, just needed to make sure she was OK.

    But later when walking by I saw the drops of blood still on the pavement and decided into a panick attack.
    It wasn’t meant to be there.

    Honestly it’s been a few days and I’m still jittery because it was so horrible.

  9. I have a fear of menstrual blood especially, so I just don’t do periods anymore. Thanks, birth control! I haven’t had a period in 10 years.

    When I did have them, I only used the biggest pads I could buy (tampons and cups were totally out of the question), I avoided changing them in public restrooms whenever possible, and I wore gloves for especially messy changes. Sometimes I’d pass out a little or vomit from the sight and smell of blood, so I always made sure I was sitting down safely. All my life I’ve been told that women can’t be afraid of menstrual blood because it’s “natural,” but even after over 15 years of periods it never stopped feeling *wrong*.

  10. I would say because there isn’t any risk involved with menstrual blood. A lot of the time it isn’t the physical blood that is bothersome but the danger that raises the heart rate and makes people faint around blood.

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