I’m a 21F. I have been an MC and presenting in front of public a lots since highschool. Although I’m an introvert, I’m not afraid to speak up or fear of crowd. But no matter how much I practice, I’m still trembling, breathing rapidly and sometime have heart spasm (I don’t have any heart problem)
How do I overcome this body reaction? I don’t know if I should called it anxiety cuz the worry feeling is not strong.

1 comment
  1. I feel like to an extent, this is normal. Public speaking is one of the top phobias which indicates that we’re probably biologically wired to get nervous when we do it. Another common phobia is heights. I assume that sky divers get nervous and jittery before each dive even though they’ve done it many times before.

    What calming techniques have you tried? Maybe finding a good breathing exercise to do before you speak publicly could help take some of the edge off

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