what love stories seems romantic in a movie/series but are actually toxic?

  1. in real life There are many love stories in movies and TV shows that seem romantic, but are actually toxic. For example, the relationship between Bella and Edward in the Twilight series is incredibly unhealthy, as Bella is constantly putting herself in danger to be with Edward. Similarly, the relationship between Ross and Rachel on Friends is also quite toxic, as Ross is often manipulative and controlling towards Rachel.

  2. The Notebook comes to mind first but really the majority of them provide poor messaging.

  3. Most stories where you start to cheer for a couple that’s about to get, or is, married to break up so that one of them can be with a long lost love.

  4. The trope where the guy is rude to everyone except his love interest. I feel like this is portrayed to make the girl in the relationship feel special, but irl the guy is usually just an asshole.

  5. The one where the guy is rewarded with a relationship with his dreamgirl for his stalking/obsessive behaviour.

    Dude, no. For once, I want to see a movie where the “nice guy who just want a chance” is properly shut down – maybe make a thriller or drama out of it with the proper follow up as it would usually go, where he gets aggressive or downright nasty because she rejected him.

    If the screenwriters need content they can check out r/Niceguys.

  6. Turkish Delight 1973

    Sex was the only thing on his mind, he even fucked her while her father was dying in the other bedroom while she was grieving, it’s a good movie tho.

  7. The Wedding Planner. He was emotionally cheating on his fiancé and the wedding planner herself was unprofessional for falling for him and continuing to help plan his wedding.

  8. Romeo and Juliet. I just can’t stand how it’s portrayed as the greatest love story ever.

  9. The After movie series. It’s gross. Main dude is toxic as fuck and yet every woman LOVES it. It’s just gross and normalizes that men being assholes is a totally normal thing

  10. Olivia Pope and Prezi Fitzgerald (Scandal). When I was younger and inexperienced, I thought their affair was SO romantic, but as I grew older and started dating, I completely changed my perspective.

  11. Cinima Therapy is a great Youtube channel that breaks down characters and filmmaking, often showing what not to do, or red flags n such.

    I noticed early on as a film buff that in particular with romcoms, if you replace the guy or girl with an ugly person they’d allmodt always end up on a registar or some shit.

    The most healthy of relationships are kinda boring to watch. Typically these are the married parents of the couples.

    DO NOT model your relationships after media like Twilight, 50shades, Notebook, n so on.

    I think 50 first dates is really good but thats a spesific situation.

  12. Meet the Parents. He sneaks around doing dumb shit instead of just sucking it up for one weekend, then instead of just admitting he let the cat out by mistake, he got another cat and dyed the cat’s tail to deceive her dad into thinking it was his! Maybe I’m a crazy cat lady but I’d never forgive someone if they did that to my family.

  13. 90% of them honestly, especially the ones where they don’t take the initial no for an answer

  14. Twilight is the first thing that came to mind, though, honestly, I always thought it was toxic and not romantic. But the majority…

  15. I have a longstanding dilemma with Cyrano de Bergerac because I absolutely adore Cyrano’s character but everyone other character is just their own brand of crappy person.

  16. A lot of early Bollywood films, because they encourage men to pursue their love interests even if the interest does not feel the same way or is even uncomfortable with the pursuing.

  17. The girl from the city with the fancy corporate job who falls in love with the country boy and they end up “happily ever after” on some farm way out in the middle of nowhere.

    Ew. Just no. NO. There are plenty of us women that actually enjoy our fancy corporate jobs.

  18. I can’t think of any off the top of my head but I will say that the love stories in the tv show Wynonna Earp are some of my favorite wholesome ones 🙂

  19. pam and jim from the office. hands down worst relationship that everyone thinks is like a match made in heaven.

    pam practically cheats on her fiancé with jim and leads him on forever. also they never put each other first and both travel to do other things when they are married. it’s not good.

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