I (28f) met this cool guy (25m) and I’m over thinking everything!!! We have met and had sex recently. I was iffy on his personality at first but we were both awkward and nervous. Few days later we do it again and this time i felt it was much more comfortable and fun. During these few days we texted and things were okay (I hate small talk). I spent the night last night and left without waking him up. I messaged him and told him I had fun and to have a good day. He says you too and thanks… I did not reply back and left him on read.
Where do I go from here? I think he likes me but I am so uncertain on how I should play my interest. I like him too but I am massively afraid of being hurt and toyed with. I feel like allowing space between us will show him I’m not clingy and perhaps push him to show more interest in me (maybe?). Should I just message him or should I let things play out and continue to have zero expectations? I don’t want to be to open with my feelings but please Give me your magical dating insight…

  1. > I think he likes me but I am so uncertain on how I should play my interest.

    This is where you’re screwing this all up. You’re doing too much. Don’t “play” anything. Don’t play cool. Actually BE cool. That’s what you do.

    9/10 times the reason ppl “screw things up” is because they get so much into their own heads and afraid of screwing things up they become the one thing everyone is afraid of. Needy. The surefire way to become needy is being afraid of being seen as needy.

    >I don’t want to be to open with my feelings

    Open them. If he’s on board with this, you’ll be good. If not he’ll show you and you can walk away.

  2. Don’t be someone you’re not. Definitely respect his boundaries if the clinginess gets to be too much, but don’t just make a decision for him like that because he’s going to just assume you’re not into him, or he will know you’re playing games. Be yourself and message him if that’s what you want to do.

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